Simulating track and suspension physics

If tanks would be realistic, they could climb over a trench and not get stopped by a broken closet like they hit a concrete wall.
At least now their tracks look realistic.


Infantry behavior does lend itself to how fast paced the game is


We all know Gaijin social media guy lives in a basement using MS XP for media release and editing.

Panzer IV has no chance against the Trench even Churchill III can’t do that and you are trying with Pz IV :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Yea, it’s already done in some way. You can just check it now.

Will tracks react realistically as well (will gravity effect them?), unlike the tracks In this picture:

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Not to mention the sight twitching every second or two if you dare to stop your vehicle on a terrain that has 0.01% curvature


I wish they stop doing so when heavily damaged and instead display their brokenness.