Silent Hunter results

Just don’t look back and keep playing.


I find it easly to belive.

My brother played less than 10 matches last 30 days, since he doesn’t have the time I do to play. Some of them on the event. He didn’t bother with it.

As my brother, many other players.

Tasks like play normandy for x matches and the player just plays Moscow that day…

Srs 500 000 unique players over a period of 15 days is more than believable.

Atleast judging by my daily matches with humans, spawning tanks, planes aa guns and so on ye. I can easly belive this.

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Dude the point is on 500.000 player 200.000 played at least the first 2/3 phase of the event and only 20.000 played it at all, is not a good number if the starter event playerbase is 500.000

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I know. I understand. And as someone pointed above as an active player he does only got 1squad since he didn’t had the time to play.

As him, many others.

For us its easy since we no life this shit.

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Even I had to buy some challenges due to lack of free time. Crazy life schedule.

But it was worth it!


Im playing destiny 2 remake now, enlisted can wait for the new update

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I had the time to get them all.

Overall was an amazing event. Well done and prices were worth my time.

I enjoy the mp40 squad Alot. Really Alot. Amazing composition, cool weapon, cool player outfits. Def will stay on my lineup.

The sten one I m yet to give it a proper try

Portraits aren’t my cup of tea, they are cool sure, but too cartoonish for my taste. And the gold order was nice gift for a collector like me:)


I love to scare the s*** out of my casual friend in custom match with this squad.

I wait til he’s very close, then I jump in front from a bush and yell “BOOH MOTHERF****!!!”

The scares he got from it through discord is seriously worth the time and gold I’ve spent for the event :laughing:

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I wish i can swap the weapon of the squad that camo is perfect for a mp43I

Nah. The MP40 silenced is cool as hell.

I m getting tired of mp43s over and over again to a point I even bought zk383s or what ever it is just to change things up.

I m considering doing a squad with mp40s
Another with zk
And another with mp43s

Just to change the daily quota of meta gameplay that is starting to make me bored.

The only thing stopping me from doing it, is the need to grind silver orders for “hopefully” Japanese campaign.

Stalingrad took me 300-400 silvers. I need to grind that amount untill Bp ends. Current goals:)


Not to mention the fact that in WT most of players leave after their first death, so they are going back to queue in 3-4 minutes, while in this game many players stay in battle for 20-30 minutes, while matchmaker still has to start games every 30 seconds or so.

And the number of players that leave matches in enlisted /number of below average players in every scoreboard.

Untill actually data with players on batle, players on lobby changing perks and gear and or overall in-game players, and personal daily batles I play where I notice humans, I find this number more than easy to belive, and I imagine the game is bigger than we picture it.

The gun and run event was a human vs human only. And I had a match every time I queued for, how many batles are bn played the same time I m going mine?

My understanding goes around the matchmaker that just don’t take time to fill matches, and even if it does, players will quit and won’t be swaped by humans.

Sometimes I have matches against bots only, fact, but if I leave and queue again, in 30 seconds I m playing against tankers planes and so on.

I think people don’t understand how bad the match maker is overall… And not the actual number of players per campaign.

Imo there’s more than enough players on every campaign, but not a working mm.

Untill actual data is shown, stating that they lie or “I only play against bots everytime” is pure bullshit for me.

I agree with what you said and this makes more evident the biggest playerbase issue this game has, too many different lobbies, this event separated only the regional servers but all the players of region weren’t further separated on gamemode/campaign/side lobbies.

There is no lack of players, there is excess of places for them to go and that’s (togheter with casual players that play one match a day or week) why most get a feel of low playerbase.

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It was a good event.

Interestingly enough, the event squad was so much fun, that I converted my old Assaulter I squad to an MP40 Squad with as close to the same perks as I could get. And damn…it’s more fun than using the MP43/1 by a lot.
Really good control and firepower and much like you, its different in a good way.

I’ve always kept the ZK’s though, they were a favorite of mine since forever.

The ‘Hopeful’ Japanese campaign has me in the same boat, grinding like a monster until BP ends so I can have enough silvers. It was 400+ for just Axis on Stalingrad. I did Bolts (you were there) for forever on the Allied Side of Stalingrad until I had enough Bronze to start transferring from Berlin (thank god I saved them instead of grinding them to weapon orders).

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I just don’t like the mp43…

… because of it’s cod like reload animation :laughing:

G43 (or g41). G43 everywhere!!! (And mannlichers).


Yeah same with the FG42 II, that hit the mag with a new mag to knock it off is a little unrealistic.

I do still have a squad with them. They are my “Break Open in case of Sweats” squad.

But I agree, G43’s everywhere. They just need to give me a K31. I don’t care the campaign, I want my K31 Beer Keg Straight Pull Swiss Bolt Precision K31.

If the apocolypse happened and I was stuck between my 98 and the 31, I might die before I end up making a decision. Its that good.

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