Silent Hunter results

The big summer event is over, and we’re here to share the results with you!



23 710 элитных отрядов поступили на службу в ваши армии. Удачных спецопераций.

23,710 Special ops squads joined your armies. Good luck with your special operations.

39 200 портретов элиты армии навсегда сделали узнаваемыми Героев прошедшего события. Носите с честью.

39,200 Elite Army Portraits have permanently distinguished the Heroes of this past event. Wear them with honor.

Более 160 тысяч единиц уникальной бронетехники, солдат-героев и редких заявок.

More than 160,000 units of the unique armored vehicles, heroes-soldiers and rare orders.

And 5,862 elite commanders completed all 24 tasks and took their well deserved Gold order for weaponry. Now those are the ones you don’t want to stand in the way of.


We even know which tasks caused you the most trouble, which tasks were the easiest, and a few other things…

The hardest

You’re great with tactics and firearms, but when it comes to a good old brawl, almost a quarter of the commanders quit.

Yet, excuse me! You’ve got bayonets, sabers, axes, shovels and knives, and you just stick them in your enemies’ soft bodies. Oh, boy, that’s it!

The easiest

Guess that’s about 40 kills? Not quite.

It turns out that almost every commander can easily place in the Top-50% of their team in the battle results (but not all of them made 40 kills)!

Most players flew through this task without even trying.

The longest

It took the participants an average of 55 minutes to get 30 kills with grenades.

Tricky weapon. It can go either into a pit, land in the wrong place, or, having flown into a crowd of enemies, suddenly and totally unexpectedly comes back. Right in the forehead.

Well, there we go. Now you know your weakest and strongest sides.

And, of course, stay tuned, because Silent Hunter isn’t the end of Enlisted. Thanks to each and every one of you for participating!


Where the dev blog?


I don’t want to repeat myself, but the reason for this simplicity is the uselessness of bots-players.
Maybe you can update them?

I’m glad the bot overhaul came after the event
Trying to get melee kills now is honestly a diceroll that isn’t always in the player’s favor now

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There are only 5862 qualified players left, which was 10000 last year+

The major [summer operation]had less than 14235 qualified players
The big Enlisted Operation “[Fiery November] had less than 14200 qualified players
Please do not deliberately convert data to cover up the situation
This is marketing fraud
You should throw the paper of real data report on the face of developers and decision makers
They tarnish your hard work

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Yesterday’s forum announcements We have already prepared several diaries, but to make them cool, we have to make screenshots and videos of new products for you. But some details are still in development. Therefore, we will wait and publish the news as soon as possible.


Is not 590,660

23,710+39,200+160,000+5862=222,772 played him

You mean? more than 300,000 player dint cared of the event after the first task, and less than 25,000 cared of complete him

Is a bad result @1942786

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There was an opportunity not to make part of the tasks.
In the this event, you had to complete absolutely all the tasks.

160 000*
You’ve essentially counted the same people twice or more times.

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400 000+*

the people who got the last reward also got all the other rewards so you counted them multiple times

(also i think the 160k is reffering to multiple rewards so its probably closer to 500 000)


Count all the number because a lot of people dropped him

The bots tried too, m8
Just weren’t good enough

Only 22.000 dude take all reward most stopped before the tank, there is a huge lake of player between 160.000 and 560.000 so is probably only 220.000 player played him and less than half of them take all reward

I mean, the people who received the golden order are also counted in those who received the squads and bt-7.

6000 of them take gold order

It was very difficult to get a gold order, too much activity was required.
I received only one squad.

Well, I just hadn’t time in few days.

Use a knife was required

Probably no they dont count bot but the number of player is huge buffed

So, 12k or less got both squad orders.


They’re counting people who looked at the store page probably