Should gas be buffed

In game there are a lot of options for smoke, Grenades for infantry and tanks, shells for artillery and tanks, the problem is its mostly not used. Lethal grenades beat smoke, lethal artillery beats smoke. I have used smoke shells on my tank but are the smoke grenades on tanks use.

We need a larger area of coverage faster spread and longer lasting smoke. How much not too much i am not asking to double the area or double the time but every little bit helps. Tell me i am wrong that smoke is great and used by everyone.

A single, double, or even triple barrel flare gun design being used as a smoke grenade launcher. Why pistol slot is largely ignored and smoke shells would be a low-pressure ammo. multi barrel means multiple shots without reload, without giving too much ammo.


My main issue with smokes is their area. You need several grenades to cover even a narrow street.
Same goes for tank smoke launchers/dispencers. If you use them, you are like a todler hiding behind a curtain with perfectly visible leggs thinking he is hidden.


Yeah smoke can be useful but is not used much.
All my infantry squads have an engineer and they all have large grenade pouches with 3 smoke grenades.
When attacking an objective, I first build a rally, then throw 3 smokes towards the objective, then charge to the objective much safer and so do my teammates.
It’s very useful and I wish smoke would be used more.
Points for providing smoke cover (grenade, arty, tank shell) has been suggested more than once, more stimulants are very welcome.


It’s hard to cover correctly something with the smok’nad

Smoke arty : I try to use it sometimes, but if your team prefer to walk (and die) out off the smoke, or prefer to stay away… It’s usless.

But, Smoke shells from tank are really goods when you can’ t kill an enemy ; or for covering directly your friends (and you can kill enemy with it ^^)

Few peoples use it, but when a player use smoke, generally hé is a good player (support, teamwork)

I only ever use smoke from tanks and mortars - tanks when I see a Tiger while I’m in a Sherman!! :slight_smile: A couple of smoke rounds as I run away are often useful.

From mortars 'cos they do actually kill infantry and I try to drop them somewhere they might prove useful - in front of any identified tanks/guns/MGs, or on the enemy side of a cap point.

Smoke is useless for 1 simple argument; we can’t choose our team so in the context that only attacker need smoke and defender using smoke grief their team picking smoke grenade is 50 % to grief your team with uselless grenade when you can pick better grenade such as molotov phosporous and explosive pack.

Smoke is overly underrated. I equip every soldier with a combo. Tnt, molotov and smoke. It creates caos. Tank camping? Smoke barrage, you will see it coming closer…
I strongly agree, we dont need to double the volume or time however we need 30 % more in volume and density.
when you shoot at it , it displaces the smoke, making see through holes so you can peek.


Well this is good news

Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patchnotes for the “Rzhev” update:


We need squad role specific chat options.

As a radio:

(Drop a pin on the map)
“Everyone Hold Position”
“Requesting help with Smoke on Approach”
“I’m smoking the Target Now”
“Attack Capture Point B”
“Go go go”


I find that most people are responsive to orders when shtf in a round and someone starts coordinating a strategy to try to save it but the chat wheel is extremely limiting.

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I guess I agree :smile: :+1:

What I think would be great would be a CUSTOMIZABLE chat wheel that can be constructed by the player at the squad level.

“Everyone ready?”
“Everyone form on me!”
“Need an MG on that target”
“Who’s got that tank?”
“Cover me” (speech bubble)
“Go go go”
“Hurry up”
“Everyone get down!”
“Incoming! Left flank”
“Incoming! Right flank”
“Sniper! Get down”
“You lead our left” (chat bubble)
“You lead our right” (chat bubble)
“You lead center” (chat bubble)
“I’ll lead right”
“I’ll lead left”
“I’ll lead center”

You can’t fit all of those on the chat wheel, but if you could choose which ones to include, you could create more meaningful strategies.

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Yeah, smoke kind of sucks right now…although pissing off camping King Tigers with smoke mortars was pretty hilarious.
But, if you overdo buffing it, just remember - eventually every match will end up played with people bringing 27 smoke nades per squad, endlessly covering everything with smoke and just melee rushing or someshit