Unique communication per squad

In order to improve teamplay, why not let each squad have unique comminication?

For example, a bomber can announce that he is coming in for a bomb run, so the teammates know to mark vehicles and enemies quickly.
Or the bomber can announce he is going to resupply ammo, so the teammates know that they will not have air support for a little while.

An engineer can announce that he is going to build a rally point or ammo box when your team moves to a new objective.
Or that he will build AA to take out that plane that is bothering the team.

An assaulter can announce he is going to charge the objective, so you can join him or give him cover.

A machinegunner can announce he will provide cover fire.

And so on…

And if nobody announces anything, you know your whole team is bots :grin:


We also need call medic message “heal me!” or smth like it.


That’s good and all that’s not really useful unless they add medics to all campaigns