So after some discussion in other threads about the accuracy of semi auto sniper rifles, I decided to get some solid info about these claims. All shots are done while prone and braced at the same distance. All weapons were the lowest possible rank as well. Some of the results are pretty interesting:
M1 Garand
point of aim was point of impact, good grouping
Again, point of aim was point of impact, good group
uhh wtf!? I repeated this test several times and the results were the same, some were even off target!
So all of the Russian rifles produced the same groups with the same issue: every one of them shot higher than the point of aim and vertically strung rounds
SVT 40
AVS 36
Conclusion: The G43 and M1 Garand are the most accurate semi auto rifles. The Russian rifles group fairly well but they impact higher than you aim. The FG42 II, as a sniper rifle, is absolutely horrible. Some of the shots dont even seem they could physically curve that much!
I remember VIVIDLY telling people the sniper fg42 was stupid inaccurate and everyone just said it was a personal issue, so it’s great being undisputedly right
as to be expected FG42 have worse bullet deviation than most SA/SF. Just like MP43/1 (or Mkb42) have worse bullet deviation than most assaulter weapon. And they become very apparent with scope equipped.
because balance
It was pretty crazy just how far off they go. It isnt just slightly bigger. What else is weird is that despite the AVS 36 being select fire its just as accurate as the normal semi autos plus no nerf to its semi auto ROF making it the best semi auto sniper
When the fully upgraded Mosin is the better sniper rifle compared to the SVT even with full upgrades.
Then its def the Russian Semis that needs to be calibrated with its sight ^^ Even if its mounted higher up its no bueno. Did you noticed any big difference with the rof from both Garrand and G43 ?
I juat hate to concept of gun dispersion. I miss ol’ days when there wasn’t random spread.
Wasnt testing that as I was going for slow well aimed shots but they seemed very close to me. In my play through of Normandy I think both rifles match up pretty well and I dont even notice the 2 rounds less in the Garand.
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yeah same, didnt noticed much difference using the reg semi rifles but wasnt sure if the snipers where different which i doubted since G43 sniper was the same so…
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I think they have fair trade offs. The Garand sniper sort of has an advantage as you can still use the iron sights with the scope (just like the AVS sniper) but it also loses 2 rounds. Probably the best balanced match up imo
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how strange I feel comfortable using the sniper FG-42 and I hit enemies normally, but the one I have difficulties with is the sniper m1 garand
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Don’t say that! It’s the workhorse thing of those always requesting nerfs to feel better. The weapon is super Godly and op and has no flaw, as such must be restricted (then we will move on smgs)
Serious note: it’s also a tad inaccurate even as a non sniper weapon in Berlin. There’s higher bullet dispersion with fg family for reasons.
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Guess people use it as hipfire monster.
Most do, which is good in cqc… but sub par at range. Bolt actions and even semis (who deal the same 12 damage) will beat them at range. I see this as an adequate tradeoff…
I think the reason most hate them so much is that the people using them… are high lvl (it’s a late unlock) and as such are a bit more experienced. Those same high lvl players will do just as well with bolties, smgs, semis… but since those are available at lower lvl, those who complain won’t notice them as much.
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I mean, what they are are LMGs with a semi auto mode that can be equipped to any rifle user, allowing squads with 6 or even 9 LMG users in a single squad, instead of the normal max of 3, while having the added flexibility of select fire. They’re rubbish as sniping weapons, because well, its an lmg, not a sniper, but they’re still very powerful weapons, and the sniping variant gets some benifits to accuracy and recoil.
I had 3 Sniper squads with all Sniper FGs back before all the nerfs.
And man these were absolutely broken, no accuracy problems what so ever.
They were basically one shot kill Kar98 with 20 round magazines.
I was overall more effective at spawnkilling them yankies at the beaches than a Tank with a good position.
Now luckily it was nerfed.
The one thing that made this rifle OP is the same thing that is making this rifle useless now, its the magnification on its scope - which makes this weapon useless even at “midrange” its just way too much, and because of the accuracy nerf now it even is useless now at long range, meaning that the ONLY use for the Sniper FG 42 II is right now to remove its scope and use it as a better standard FG 42.
I think that Sniper FG "could be a niche weapon if it gets a small magnification scope like the Gewehr 98 or the Mkb on Moscow, but right now there is no use for it.
They are more like assault rifles with an umpfffff but i understand your characteristic comparison of an mg power showcase. To me the FG42 is the king of Assault rifles like Winchester is for BAs <3 To early for me personally to say if it needs an nerf, even if it indicated as such when i picked it up
A bit off topic but I’d like to know if I’m imagining things.
The only semi autos I’ve unlocked so far are the Moscow Soviet and the low level semi auto for both factions on Tunisia. These are the non sniper variants.
I swear something is way off when trying to acquire, track and kill a moving target with semi auto compared to bolt action! Tracking moving target with bolt action just seems so much easier!
I just wish all semi autos handled the same as bolt action. The firing mechanism shouldn’t effect how a rifle handles when the rifle is not firing!
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So, the big difference between how a semi and a BA handles is that all bolt actions, including the fast firing winchester, break your sights for some amount of time when you fire, before bringing them back up. Semi’s however never do that though, even the PTRS which fires quite slowly. While this takes some getting used to, and can make picking out new targets a bit harder if they’re a ways off, it makes engaging groups, where the semi auto fire rate is most valuable, much easier.
The difference however does mean something of a learning curve as you adjust to the new behaviour, and it can be easier to string toghether a chain of misses due to the short period between shots and high recoil these guns have.
Also, while the armaguerra and geweher 41 don’t have too much issues with it, the first SVT is not a particularly accurate gun. It will throw shots far enough to make hits into misses, on occasion.
Its cause bolt actions representing an more solid accuracy for the price of rof…its an old balance making formula games does which i like, but its also psychological since when an shooter gets easier access to more shots being able to be fired, she/he tend to not focus on their targeting as much and rush them