See ! AT Mine and AP Mine!!!

i have mixed feelings about those.

but, we will have to test them in order to feel their blast radious, power and effectiveness.

although… mine sweapers during the battlefield might not be a good idea.

again, we’ll see.

cheers for the posting.


As a measure against enemy armor and area denial.

Again, you are free to not fire your main gun, saving your shells, and just drive over a minefield. Though I suppose your tank blowing to smithereens might reveal your position as well and I am still not entirely sure what you will do with an extra 20 high explosive shells in the afterlife. The decision is ultimately up to the player.

You can decide where you will move before actually moving. This planning enables you to shoot high explosives from farther out.

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Mines are abusable shitter weapons
They add nothing to the game

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Completely unneeded. Explosive packs, AT guns and AT infantry weapons are plenty.

Much of a “decision” to have to waste half of your HE shells just because someone pressed LMB.

Again, good luck seeing any mines from far out, or hitting anything with the shitty HE we got. Love how you completely ignore the backbone of the issue to dissect the arguments that are based on said backbone as if the backbone doesn’t exist :clown_face:


they add explosions smh

Fair enough lmfao

And everyone is forgetting that there are also anti infantry mines, which can be even worse due to the AI running all over the map and potentially activating the mines.

We all know this will be used for killing infantry and not tanks. You don’t need frickin mines to take tanks down. People already say they are way too vulnerable.

You are hopefully able to see where you will drive. You move, the mine does not. You drive, the mine stays still. Amazingly enough, if you clear a safe path to your destination, you will be able to drive to said destination in relative safety!

Mines are nice to have and possibly useful, depending on how they are utilised.

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Even if you hit a HE shell every 10cm along a line, you are not guaranteed to clear out the mines as the HE doesnt have a tank-wide explosion radius. You would literally have to make a grid of HE shots.

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I’m also against having any type of rear-line support vehicles in combat.

Including jeeps and ballwagons

Infantry won’t even set them off if they’re halfway realistic

How do you know any of these things you say are factually true? Do you have access to mines and have you tested them extensively? I agree, if the high explosive shells prove to be irredeemably ineffective in clearing out mines, then something needs to be done to the high explosive shells themselves. I suspect both of us lack any actual, concrete, information to base any elaborate judgments on.


Well if HE can’t kill a soldier on a direct hit, I doubt it would pierce a metal shell to detonate an explosive on a non-direct-hit

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Outrage over theoretical performance goes nowhere, especially when it’s as unfounded as even the theory of HE detonating them to begin with.

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That too.

My issue will always boil down to this:
No matter how “easy” it is to defuse/safely detonate a mine, it will never be as easy as pressing LMB to place a mine.

Explosive packs, on the other hand, are skill based anti tank weapons. You get rewarded for cooking your grenade and throwing it in the right spot.

Mines? You get “rewarded” because some poor tanker had the bad luck to hit your mine…

There is no skill
No counterplay
No incentives
No gratification
Only frustration

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Tanks aren’t exact having a hard time right now, and this is coming from a tank main.

That’s my point of view, that we can afford new threats.

Make planes not blind so that they can attack tanks.

Would be infinitely more skill based and rewarding than mines

This game has been partially compared to Rising Storm 2. Perhaps the mines should be placed the same way you place down traps in that game, i.e. it takes some time to dig them into the ground. During this period, you are standing up and stationary, so placing any particularly aggressive minefields well ahead of your main force would be a risky venture. If the pioneer still manages to lay down a minefield despite these drawbacks, then I say he deserved it.

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Planes and tanks share limits so that’s not an additional threat, that’s just getting rid of one threat to add another.