AT Tank Mine. Anti-Tank Tank Mine.
blooding mine
Biggest mistake they did so far in terms of weapon types.
Let’s ruin skill requirements to deal with tanks and go add the most cheeky, abuse able bullshit you can imagine!
Cant wait to just put tanks in Cube of death
Mines, in sufficient numbers, are a straightforward solution to KV-1, T-34 or any tank really.
Until you realize they are the most abusable thing ever as you can just place one in a bush at the 2nd or 3rd capture point and get a free kill for literally 0 effort. The tank will never see it or be able to counter it.
And there are also AP (anti-personel) mines there, which you can just place behind a door inside a cap for more free kills!
Minesweepers are clearly needed. In the meantime, the tank can probably deploy high explosive shells to clear a path in front of it.
Would be like adding only AT guns to counter tanks, and no det packs, and no AT infantry. Not an adequate counter at all.
Besides, imagine the ammount of EFFORT you would need to use minesweepers, while mine layers just go like “haha here goes another mine!”
So you want to use the extremely underpowered HE shells, which might not even detonate a mine, while also having limited ammo supply, to “counter” this?
Nice! We have it and now gameplay can be more tactical. Can’t wait to try it🙂
If explosions for some reason would be unable to clear out minefields, then I expect there to be problems. Provided that explosives will work in demining, it would be nothing like that, you have other methods of countering mines. You yourself mentioned the dynamite bundles. Where would they have suddenly disappeared to? Would the high explosive shells mysteriously be removed from the anti-tank guns? And, again, the tank itself has access to high explosive shells, which should be able to clear out mines.
Remember, the mines do not seek out the enemy, they will not move under the tracks of a tank. The mines are utterly stationary. It is the tank who needs to move on top of the mine in order to suffer any negative consequences. The tank holds the initiative.
no then you have to waste 50% of your HE ammo just to safely traverse an area because oh boy imagine someone pressed LMB while standing there with a mine in their hands
Remember, mines are nearly invisible, especially when placed in cheeky spots. You might as well consider the entire map to be one big mine if you know there are mines but don’t know where.
And for tanks even more so, as they are half blind to begin with. Imagine searching for a 10cm tall object from inside a tank. Good luck.
No. They are reactionary. They have 0 active counters against mines. Legit the only thing they can do is slow down considerably, reveal their position by continuously fire on the ground, and overall be insanely careful just because “oh boi a mine might be in that bush”.
Interesting, I mean, it will be chaotic in closed areas of maps, but if these open maps come that have been promised, then tanks won’t need to come right up to the capture point and thus, mines will be more or less redundant. At present on defending teams I’m rarely near the cap in a tank as I find that’s how the tanks get the best results.
Good to see.
How exactly is ensuring safe passage a “waste”? If you would rather drive over an assumed minefield without “wasting” any ammunition, then you are of course free to do so. Perhaps in the afterlife you can brag to other souls there how you never wasted any ammunition!
In other games with mines, I have never had to consider the entire map one big mine, in my experience that is just absurd. Furthermore, assuming that explosions clear minefields, the tanks do have a very active counter to minefields, namely their main gun.
They require no skill to use. Just “ha ha I’ll press LMB here, and here, and here!” and BOOM! You completely stopped a push from an enemy tank through that area.
Revealing your position to enemy tanks + you have little HE ammo to begin with.
But in other games, the grass is nowhere near as dense as here.
Unlike games like H&G, Enlisted’s HE is actual garbage and doesn’t even kill a soldier on direct hit. Also, gun depression. You’ll have to first see the mine, then aim at it to take it out, which is impossible because you won’t see the mine from far away due to the aforementioned foliage.
sherman crab
What we’re forgetting to discuss is how these are equipped and deployed in the first place.
You can’t exactly make a minefield with extremely limited mines. This to me just discourages tanks from outpacing their infantry, as it should be.
Mmmm as a tank/planes main maybe it’s needed, a lot of times I rush so fast that I clear full sector without any ally infantry near me. For example:
Blessed finally a good way to deal with tanks