Second testing of the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

Darn it looked so cool. About the stuff i wanted to add the churchil crocodile that the creator of the big action mod made and put up the file for it here but when i try to add it to my map it just does not spawn. It doest even create an eror msg just doesnt do anything. Do i need some special stuff to make it work? The post he put it at is a year old so it may just be broken but idk.


that one is outdated.

and the code needs some fixing

It requires some fixing so it will come when itā€™s ready


Thats the issue, the caliber of the gun isnā€™t always indicating its danger.
Take the Japanese 75mm Type 99 cannon on the Type 2 Ho-I. It is a 75 but it has very low penetration and low velocity. Compare it to the German 75mm Kwk 42 of the Pzkfw V Panther, it is a way lower threat.

It is because the explosion charge (that boost the shell from the cannon to the enemy) of each shell type and each cannon its in are different. Also the caliber is just the shell diameter, and has nothing to do with its length.
The Sherman M61 shell is shorter than the Pzgr shell (forgot the number) used by the German long 75 on the Pz IVs. Therefore, the Pz IV with long barrel 75 cannons has way better penetration than the Shermans, even though they are both 75 cannons.

The shell type is also important. You should take note that the British seldom uses APHE (or AP shell with any HE filler). So when you see 76mm QF 17-pdr cannon as opposed to 76mm M1 cannon (which is the Sherman 76 main gun with APCBC that has some TNT in it), you should be less worried about your tank exploding in 1 hit since plain AP shell does not explode (unless it reaches your ammo/fuel)


Yeah in a fair setting it may be ok. But in a setting of veterans agains noobsā€¦ or the intelligent v less intelligent, it may be an issue.

@Ī¦_Sarabamjoei_Ī¦ Have you already made a decision on this?


Iā€™m just suggesting, sry for my broken english :smiling_face_with_tear:

ah ok. roger roger

Adding marder BR 3 isnā€™t just another decorations on the TT ? not like the Stug is already here for this job.
They should be BR 2 we gain some anti tank capability.
By the way how about removing ppsh 41 obrez for german this thing is a pure joke like getting the 100 rnds for MG and get the MP 716(r)


A very small number of people endure the incompetence of anti-intellectual groups and at the same time bear the main pressure
It makes me feel like a hyena sometimes
I have to bite the enemyā€™s butt, drag out the intestines of the prey, and then let other hyenas steal my gains.
But I canā€™t feel anything except for the shit in my mouth

thank you for your explanation
But I really didnā€™t think that much
Because they canā€™t give the engineers short-barreled tank guns

Btw i should also mention that you can distinguish between an anti-tank gun from a tank by remembering the name (now we cant since the 17 pounder is added as an AT gun as well as the firefly, but still you should not expect to see a lot of sherman VC, not as much as the AT gun, so its effective)

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you always have guaranteed hit on jumbo if you aim at mg port :stuck_out_tongue:

Some short insights:

  1. maybe Iā€™m wrong but while guerrillawarfaring, in one game I was multiple times reminded to move to next zone when I think I was pushing into their gray zone after we captured the prev objective
  2. I still think that more than 2 guerrilla squads simultaneously will lead to spawn camping/lot of instant captures and rage quits
  3. both on test server and active client when I complete research, I have to quit the game and start over to get the research really finished - it tells me completed but the progress bar is not filled and canā€™t buy the new research/squad unless I restart the game
  4. I played at least 6 matches but only on test server last 2 weeks, so I was not allowed to write on the forum
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This is the way

Or if you ā€œflank it broā„¢ā€

It doesnā€™t fight against Pz-4 at all so it doesnā€™t need to be lowered so that it isnā€™t a match for it!

At BR2 it is fighting Lee/Grant (& Crusader III?), & T50 + T-28E - and it will slaughter those from any angle, any range

Here are my suggestions to improve Guerrilla gameplay:

  1. Remove special ammo pouch - Guerrilla fighters tended to have less ammo compared to conventional soldiers.

  2. Add supply drop - Replace ammo pouch with a supply drop triggered by a flare or radio. This drop could contain ammo for all weapons (allied/enemy), a captured/resistance weapon (eg. random box like zombie box).

  3. Add ability to equip any factions weapons - This squad could be have access to any factions weapons in the game. These would be equipped in the squad management menu before joining a game. For example a German guerrilla can equip a 1938 Mosin if available in inventory.

  4. Notoriety meter - In order to encourage true guerrilla gameplay Iā€™d suggest a cooldown notoriety meter. This meter would fill up a little with every loud kill, shot, explosion, or detection. Once this bar is maxed out all enemy players will temporarily see your exact location in the grey zone. This would reduce the likelihood of run and gun assaulter style gameplay giving direct repercussions for ā€œun-guerrillaā€ gameplay.


And crusader, scott, t28, t50 and others will slaughter marder from any angle. Marder is also very vulnerable to infantry due to the open back


Me driving a Marder III two minutes into the game: (Goes Wrong)
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