Second testing of the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

Then they will release the extended (7/5 rounds) version as a gold order weapon

Watch them just get British voice lines too :upside_down_face:


Lol now balanced problem become skill issue?
Even the Pak40 can’t guaranteed pen the Jumbo.
But it help Japan to counter the normal shermans on high br.

Lol try again, the tiger2 h was added 1 year ago not 2 years. The tiger2 p turret can be pen by the pak40.

Soviet has the panzerfaust 100, what did Japan have? A tube that didn’t have a sight?

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Question regarding to a bug, which exist on the test server and on normal on

When will you fix the bug with the countries in brackets before soldier setup? You can’t delete the brackets and the country in front of them, it sometimes prevents you from oversaving / changing the setup and on the day (at least after a game restart) the soldier setup got reset to the old one.

Just do it like with the squad setups (screenshot 2), where you have the possibility to delete the entire setup with “X”. The bug has now existed for over half a year without a fix!



The name of the cannon is important. Because it is the identity of the cannon. I trust that some people would remember the names, even if it is only 1 in 100 people

please put both Panthers into one folder - same like with Tiger E and Tiger H1


@James_Grove bots still using the Yazikov SMG Pistol as main weapon instead of the real main weapon. - pls fix. Doesn’t matter if custom battle or standard battle.


Perhaps true with high BR but absolutely not the case in low BR.

So against veterans who prefer low BR, yeah they may be negligible. Now imagine the impact they will have against brand new players.

The BR system (the chance to get up-teired) can already be unforgiving to newcomers. How much worse for them will it be when they struggle to make it out of spawn? And armed only with Bolt-actions against SMGs in CQC?

I wonder how many noobs will quickly abandon this game after being bullied by veterans using guerrilla squads.


I would rather have Type 90 75 mm field gun instead of the weak mountain gun.


100% agree

Type 90 75 mm would be far better


I would rather believe in two other technical restrictions:

  • darkflow management doesn’t give two shits about WW2 anymore, they just want to sell flashy stuff (see guy in fur hat and eyepatch)
  • to have as many people buy it as possible, and not to risk enraging whales/edgy teens, they are too scared to replace those cosmetics even on a single map where it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever on so many levels

Why was this selector wheel removed from 2nd devserver?
Now it works like in live server - click same button to cycle between available options.



This is why the weapon leveling mechanic is garbage
He cannot solve the problem of intelligence and ability of individuals or groups
It will only allow players with different intelligence and abilities to poison each other.

Thanks wery much, if you have any other stuff like this and would not mind sharing it would be grand.

I just had one question. I tried to use some of the big action stuff on my map but every time i put it in the entity file it doesnt spawn. Do you know what might be the cause?

Maybe it’s important
But most of the time players just need to know how many MMs are flying towards them or how many MMs they can build.

because entities do not go in the scene.blk ( from what i’m understanding based on your issues )

hence, i suggest you to look at:

otherwise i’m unsure what problems you’re running into.

I put it into the entity file but when i try to spanw it in the editor nothing shows up

Anyway, i wanted to ask do you have the file for the komsomolets i want a soviet apc but there is only the m3

it does for me… strange.

are you sure you are either looking through all tab entity or " other_vehicle" ?

because it’s not actually a tank ( in case you were looking in that tab )

the update broked it. and i don’t have much time to fix seats and cameras.

so, sorry. can’t do.