Second testing of the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

also, does this effect the premium squads we can pre-order?


you want me to check if the prem have 5 guy instead of 4?

Hello, why do the Russians have a heavy English anti-tank gun and the Germans only have a Pak 40?

wasnt pak 40 already in game for germany?

while better than current US AT gun, still ineffective for KT. unless you are giving them APDS shells.

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In future there will be proper models, rn devs decided to let use this less historical at-guns for now.


Any word on giving the US guerrillas proper Australian uniforms and customization


It is good to hear that they are just place holders.

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Placeholders just like the ptrs41 in the place of type97 at rifle?

are pak40 only for engy squad? cause my mg45 squad cant build it only pak38 are available

i knew it.

i fucking knew it.

i called it.

the update was to remove the windmils on the afrika hat:



yet apparently, when people asked for a fucking fix to the planetree camouflage in the sense that it was supposed to look like pre merge:


( which it’s a fully year that it’s broken, AND PEOPLE CAN STILL BUY IT )

you guys still did absolutely nothing.

it’s a fucking joke at this point. absolute :clown_face:

" HA "
my ass


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes for the "Guerrilla Warfare" update:

Euphemism for the unfixable broken DX12

Lazy move for japan, we have one cannon, the Type 94 75 mm mountain gun, lazy,lazy,lazy


Marder 3 is still br 3? This shitbox is no match to panzer 4j. Please lower atleast one of them so we can use them in br 2


Let us know if there are any more changes please and thanks, can’t be bothered to download test server just to check

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That gun lacked penetration to deal effective dmg to Jumbos and Pershings

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Told ya. In fact, they removed it about an hour later after your first post.
Sad the eagle’s gone as well.
Bird did nothing wrong!


17pdr for ussr and pak40 for japan are placeholders till they can get models for their own at guns

go figure.

removing and changing a texture turns out you don’t need a fucking year. but a week ( or hour ).

but… for reasons, the planetree is not the same.


I cannot build the AT gun I want to build on the training ground. I need a function similar to a paratrooper box to distinguish the one I want to build