Screenshot contest: War photographer

hello i4i ,thanks a lot!!! very kind from you!!!
i can’t participate because i have a big problems with my discord ,can’t post screenshot for the contest.
yes long time i didn’t post screenshots here but actually very buzy with screenshots of my other favorite game of GAIJIN : WARTHUNDER and also very buzy with my job and family life.

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In the last contest, the date of announcing the winners was mentioned.
This contest, it was not.
Last contest ended on sunday also, winners would be announced tuesday I believe, but there was a delay in the announcement of minimum one day.

I do believe they have made a mistake, letting people submit unlimited ammounts of screenshots in all categories.
It will take very long to judge the thousands of entries.

I dunno, they might skim scroll :stuck_out_tongue:

i been scrolling through the channel looking. Some really jump out


Yeah many entries are nice…but…not in accordance with the rules.
To me, the rules are unclear.
I see many entries that dont follow the rules.
The rules say: “make the ss in the replay”, “submit the ss from the gamefolder” and “only minor color changes are allowed”.
So the ss should be as it was visible in-game, only making the colors a bit nicer is allowed.
But a huge number of entries have altered ss with depth and focus.
Looks nice in pics, but they’re not how it was visible in the game.
Imho only un-altered ss are allowed.
So I only submit the ss from the folder, after taking it in replay, only altering the time of day, to make the colors more nice or get rid of shadows.
But what do I know…I see dozens of entries with GUI turned on…I see entries after the closing date…
I even see ss with GUI on and totally altered in focus and submitted after the closing date. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Idk, my guess is they want more screenshots that they are going to use for devblogs and other promos.

And from what I’ve seen, in some dev blogs there were screenshots that were clearly heavily edited.
So who knows what they meant by slight changes.