Well its me again with more Japanese equipment. So its time to add scopes finally for Japan…
Japan scopes will give Japan more equipment at BR III ,IV and V so how to implement them ?
Well best way is to give scoped weapons to Recons and LMG squads lets start with the recons:
BR III Recon:
New Sniper Squad for BR III with Prototype Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal (Full length Type Kō Rifle with scope) BR III:
This redistribution of weapons will give some life to recon after BR II and interesting combinations for LMG squads and Recons Squads for BR III ,IV and V.
Just confused on why you think you “lack” scopes. If anything I’m pretty sure if you condense the bolt action snipers of each nation and count the Garand’s as one it’s between Japan and Germany who has a wider variety of scoped guns with the Japanese having their scoped LMG and the Germans having their scoped StG. Not really seeing a “need” to fill in with more
I’m not against it, mind you, just don’t understand why every BR needs a scoped LMG in your eyes
KE-7 is a stolen weapon for Japan
The few modifications in the Spanish Civil War should not be added to the Japanese tech tree unless they appear in China
Lucky for us China had all types from 50 round to scooped ones there is even few used by Manchukuo until they where replaced by Japanese LMGs.
There is a book about them SIG KE7 1935 Circa SMG Fusil Mitrailleur- vue d’ensemble but yes they where not used directly by Japan but where used by various Japanese puppet states. There where even few with anti aircraft sights China was the biggest buyer of this weapons. However China produced many various SIG KE7 also with different modifications at Huaxing Machinery Factory just keep in mind they looked a bit different then the original:
I’m all for something like the type Ko that has a scope on it, But it’s got to be within reason I would buff it enough to put it in tier IV just so it’s closer to the end game. That’s just my personal preference though. Snipers have zero life as a class type beyond Tier 2. After that machine gunners kind of become the new sniper.
Well they can be put in different BR I just make concepts I don’t know how good can this gun be if they are added I just saw that KO rifle in game was BR III so I put it BR III but it can be IV
Like always fantastic idea. Hopefully, some of these get added into the game. Currently the Type Hei Automatic Rifle is the be all and end all weapon for Japan at BR V. It makes using anything else feel redundant. I am guessing we will also get to see the Type 2 SMG chambered in the 6.5 mm experimental Arisaka cartridge as a potential AR for Japan. Since we are supposed to get the assault engineers for them as well as the US. The scoped Type 99 LMG would also be a fantastic weapon for a potential BR V Japanese paratrooper squad.