I also found some very interesting details.
Thanks to the Devs for their excellent artwork
I really like this scene filled with red stuff.
This Orthodox church is not actually a church, but a museum that was converted after the revolution to propagate a critique of corrupt beliefs.
For a Chinese, it’s an intimate and familiar feeling
And this clearly way of sane people. Thanks to Lenin, we got right to be non-religious.
Thank you for posting this, my friend. It really puts into perspective how much was missed.
Very accurate. All that is missing are pictures of Lenin, Stalin, and Marx.
Inside the Churches.
Do you have any histrorical photo?
Not so hard to understand why, the game try to be the minimum possible political with all faction trying to keep a balance with faction historicity
You mean this church? Sadly haven’t found anything about it (can’t read russian)
Do you have the key word of this church?
Is the rzhev cathedral so just search it and add ww2, still Google is full of photo of the battle so you need scrool a Lot for the cathedral one
No I was interested in that
I don’t really think there was church with Lenin, Stalin and Marx pictures.
If these Churches were used as anti-religious propaganda museums, they most definitely did. If not, this church was allowed to reopen because they were under German rule or because of the relaxing of religious persecution due to the Bolsheviks being more worried about being invaded. According to this map, devs chose the first option.
It’s still strange but maybe.
Btw, According to paragraph 13 of the Constitution of the RSFSR of July 10, 1918, “In order to ensure real freedom of conscience for workers, the church is separated from the state and the school from the church, and freedom of religious and anti-religious propaganda is recognized for all citizens.”
Unfortunately, I am not a lawyer and do not really know the history of the constitutions of the USSR, it seems like this point remained in the “Stalin’s” constitution of 1936. But it seems to me that this did not allow churches(as buildings) to work, since faith should have been more a private matter of a person, rather than a public one.
That’s why I’m asking for a photo. I don’t see any practical point in their portraits in churches.
Just read Wikipedia
Tldr: even if soviet union have strong anti religious policy, it never disbanded it totally and the orthodox fate was keep as main (facade) religion, as for other religions they have good or bad time depending to the situation, anyway after stalin death soviet union becomed more tolerant on religion for avoid internal fragmentation
Well Wiki is good for some neutral things, but this topic I guess is political.
For such things is better to read documents.
No, just more tolerant. Stalin was have strong plan and don’t like any thing which can break process of realisation of it.
After Stalin, even Nazi criminals were released early.
Depends… I see it just as history discussion about soviet union, if some one want go political I would take action, until stay neutral with some references it can stay
No, I not about this topic. I about topic “Religion in SU”. On wiki some guys can change text to favor of one points of view.