RZHEV History vs Game

You can reference just a bit of off topic argument, obviously you can’t go politics or religious, as I said if you guys keep yourself to just some citation is okay

Otherwise Im going close the topic

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I don’t see anything wrong with us having a civilized discussion on some related topic here.
But again, I was talking more about Wikipedia. The fact that there is a need to be more careful about articles that have a political connotation.(And religion has been a part of politics since time immemorial)

Yea, big thanks, for your warning.

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I read Wikipedia in more languages for be sure in determined arguments, 99% of time it just lack information or is outdated, but never have wrong information

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I guess it’s mostly written in english and russian. And russian often just copy of english. Well like other languages too.
Although, on the other hand, there is simply no other source to easy find, so you have to believe.