Rifle granades and mines need to be removed at once

They are the most toxic and noob friendly weapons in the game. Everyone abuses them, and require no skill whatsoever.
What was even the point of adding these weapons to enlisted? Allowing the noobs to clear a room in one shot? So they can just shoot near the feet of the enemies and oneshotting them? The same thing goes for mines.
Mines for me are fine as long as can get triggered also by their allied and squad members, otherwise they are just free effortless kills.
Rifle granades need to be a special squad, or be removed at all.
These weapons are just being used by the noobest players. i once tried them, and decided to keep my bayonet instead, so that i can actually storm building and do the objectives, not camp at the border of the greyzone and shoot 'em inside the windows. Snipers require some skill, these do not.
Same thing goes for mines: you will never see them, they require no skill, and are toxic AF.

BRIII players are hardly noobs.


Waaahhhh… noobs are better with these than me!!:sob:


Personally I only use mines on Engineers because I like a little immersion. I have thought they could make mines an Engineer building, but that’s a thought for the future. For now let’s keep it as is

For rifle grenades, at least the frag, I have thought maybe they could make a Grenadier squad.

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I hate rifle grenades like everyone but you give up your rifle /primary for them

You have to either take the go off to get back your gun or switch to you’re other primary

Both take time which can be fatal

Second you either blind fire in which case you put you self in rng Jesus hands

Or expose yourself to fire

Rifle grenades are just different mortars
Yeah sucks to die to the but
So do gray zone tanks
Prone shooters
Shooters in corners
Regular grenades

This is a. A symmetrical game

But ap mines get just off
Kidding gl launchers can multiple fast shots they need to stay limited


They already nerf the mines. You want more?

You can shoot the mines or if you can’t see them use a frag.

Yes, you do need some skill to use them.

Plus, you only get 3 frags and you can’t refill from ammo crate.


So kill the dude with the rifle nades and shoot the mines


If they were not invisible in buildings

Skill issue post


Here we go again: “Oh my God, I just died by [insert weapon name here] and it needs to be nerfed or removed from the game,” [because it upset me, and now I must rage post].

Rifle granades and mines need to be removed at once

No they don’t; you just need to learn to deal with it when you die—not just by these weapons, ANY weapon. This is a World War II FPS game. You’re going to die. Many weapons in this game will kill you with one shot—as they’re supposed to.

None of this is true!

I’m OK with it either way; unfortunately, if mines can be triggered by friendly troops do you know what happens? Friendly troops will simply shoot them out. People don’t care if the mines are defensive and will help the team. If they’re in the way of someone who’s too lazy to walk around them and too dumb to realize how useful they are, they’ll get shot out.

Again, not true!

You actually need at least some skill to use weapons in any game.

Again, not true! YOU just need to develop some skills to counter these weapons. BTW, AP mines have already been nerfed into the ground; they don’t need another nerf.

Well what if I don’t like bayonets because they are also “one hit” weapons, the person using them is usually running extra fast (very OP), and in many cases the person getting stabbed doesn’t have a chance to respond. Very toxic! These things definitely need to be removed from the game. How do you like that assessment and opinion? It’s nonsense isn’t it? The solution is to learn a counter to the weapon—not remove it or nerf it. And remember, sometimes, there is no counter or not enough time to implement one. You just die, respawn, and carry on.


nerf more gl,mined are nerfed

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Instead of trying to rid the game
of things you have no skill for,
this is what you do. :wink:


The problem is the victim
Rather than equipment users
This is a war game
This is why your enemies have the right to use explosives to kill idiots who have no ability to learn

Rifle grenades are tactical weapons
Requires knowledge of parabolas for long-range sniping
This means they are much smarter than suicide infantry who only move in a straight line and don’t like to find and build cover.

Many times you just need to run or throw a few grenades at the capture point to solve the mine problem.
Unless you run as slow as a T28 or you always like to step on landmines and cry to package yourself as a victim to cover up your stupidity and incompetence

in addition
For players with normal intelligence, automatic weapons are a better mass product
Rifle grenades are only auxiliary props used under specific conditions
So you rarely see people using a 9-man grenade launcher team

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The rifle grenades are fine, people need to stop demanding everything get nerfed cause that just ends up making potentially fun things useless like white phosphorous.

If you are confronted with an enemy who is more well equipped, then adjust your strategy to deal with them. You can also buy grenade launchers if you are playing BR III or above which is the majority of matches, so that would be the first thing you could do. Add a rifle squad with dual wielding grenade launchers to your lineup and you can blow up/iron sight snipe the grenade spammers with your own 8 man grenade launcher squad.

Alternatively use molotovs or flamethrowers or HE tank spam to teach them a lesson about spamming grenades. And also leave AP mines everywhere you go.

The way to deal with people spamming grenades is to adjust your strategy to fuck them up worse then they are fucking you up. When you nerf start nerfing things the whole game gets fucked up.



While the mines are nerfed a lot (too much) the grenade launcher rifles are not, they nerfed the AP version, but replaced it using the AT version, while I am not a spammer of this weapon, I still think it needs another nerf, that’s why I made this post to nerf it: Concept for Nerf Grenade Launcher Rifle and I believe they need be nerfed AT ones as well

There are only two things in the game that kill me and really annoy me. Greyzone tanks who pound cap and spawn points, and games where their is ENDLESS artillery. I played a game and lost 12 squads, 6 of them to artillery. On a bad game, I might lose four soldiers TOTAL to AP mines, that’s it. I used to lose a lot of dudes to AP mines, until I changed the way I played, which is what a real soldier would do. I can’t do anything about the Artillery as you have to capture or defend control points, and when they are constantly pounding those points, not much you can do, but for some reason, people don’t have a problem with that. :thinking:

you should see me then with mortars, I am a monster with them xD

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It’s already screwed up
If you look at most of the nerfs in the first three years
You will find that DF has indeed turned the game mechanics and game environment into shit in order to protect the survivability and emotional value of people with intellectual disabilities and cognitive disabilities.
Now it’s just a game that provides emotional value to the weak and continues to torture old players in a slow suicide environment


For me, dev should limit gl, something like 1 or 2 by squad . No nerf.

Recently I played against russian and I see 1 guy with only gl on all of his soldiers (except radio and engee) in all of his squads.
Bad experience, the perfect noobtuber.

But I don’t understand for the ap mines…
Not so many people use it. It’s not a cancer like hvar spam or gl spam.
Cool thing against rushers, or rallye’s protection / trap for ennemy’s rallyes.
But since the nerf, they r worse :frowning:

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AP mines are hardly effective already after the nerf.

About GL launcher, either make it reload correctly with a blank cartridge (for those guns that have to reload that way IRL) and limit its number per squad (no more than 2 or 3 soldiers can equip it per squad maybe) / per personnel (only one GL rifle per soldier so it doesn’t have 6 rounds) would considered it a reasonable balance/nerf IMO.