the VG 1-5 is placed in br 3, mean they can join 1-3 rank match, but when i use it they can even used to 1-5, they yse stg 44 mag and 320rpm with semi-auto make it rare used. please make VG 1-5 only in br 3 not uptiered to 4-5
lmao you are not getting special exception BR3 weapons, a semi auto STG44 is too much for BR2 only
berlin is too bad for semi-auto STG44
thats a problem with the BR brackets being awful, not the guns
Remove BR3 from BR1 and BR5 matches in general
-problem solved
br 1-2, br 3-4, br 5 is my solution i will keep preaching about
That’s br +/-1. It would be great. Perfect would be br+/-0… but We cannot hope that much…
you cant down tier it to BR2 equipment level as it is too strong
its br3 semi-auto with a large magazine
so unless they create three lobbies from 2 nothing will change
current B 1-3 BR 3-5 NOW
TO BR 1-2 BR 34 BR 5
Maybe they will add the VG 1 And 2
the image isnt working bro
During the chill hours I get matchmaking times of 3-5 minutes on BR5 japan, darkflow can maybe squeeze a 3rd matchmaking queue if they do a good release on steam but it will be really impossible to have 5 queues
the VG 2 is already in the game, lol…
I know. It’s why br+/-0 would br utopia.
I’d settle for +/-1.
1-2, 3-4, 5 doesn’t cut it, sorry… it would merely displace the current issue without solving it properly. Namely, br3, which is the funniest br imo, would “die” as most ppl would create br4 presets instead. The rest wouldn’t change…
According to devs, BR represents (among other things) the service years of the weapon. So if anything, remove VG from BR1-2.
VoyoMayPL trying to summon a Veekay45 from hell!!!
I thought more people would laugh at his usage rate
It seems like someone finally appreciates him.
The only problem with matchmaking is that they can’t isolate players with poor skills or equipment at level 3
Level 4 should be a floater level that can either be placed in a 3-4 match or a 4-5 match IMOP. That way you can have your 1-2, 3-4 and 4-5. Three tiers and your never playing level’s more then one higher. It would work, if the DEV’s wanted to take the time to do it. As far as weapons level ratings, I think several weapons are in the wrong levels, but I doubt they will change that either. Yes, I am going to be a negative Nancy until they change things, or I get fed up and quit.
I think it should be easier for level 1 and 2 to fight against level 3 than for level 3 to fight against level 5.
At least they won’t encounter invincible tanks and automatic rifles
They should hone their skills and equipment
A bit better… but it would STILL make br 3 only undertier…
The reason I’m hoping for at LEAST +/-1, is because the chinese version reportedly…
Already works with +/-0!!! And supposedly chinese players prefer to come play here in the global version.
Which means, I highly doubt the “we don’t have enough players” excuse from devs is a genuine one.
You see, my friend, before the merge there was a campaign system. Campaigns were based on equipment that was available in a given theater of operations. But over time, the DF began to introduce weapons that did not exist, such as the Fedorova machine, which was used only in the Finnish campaign and the defense of Moscow. Later it was no longer used because it simply wore out and was no longer produced.
And so, referring to the Berlin campaign, the Germans were historically much weaker than the Red Army, as was the case. The Soviets had a lot of semi-automatic and automatic weapons, and the Germans had weapons from the “Primitiv-Waffen-Programm”, i.e. a primitive weapons program.
And people started crying on the forum that the Germans in Berlin were unplayable because they were weaker than the Red Army.
Previously, there was normalization of damage, but now the weapons have been ordered according to firepower and therefore the semi-automatic VG 1-5 or MP3008, which are from the end of the war, are at lower BRs.