if that is a buff can you please buff the king tiger
less armor
smaller gun
and maybe increase the rate of fire a little given its going from a 88mm to a 75mm
This was my opinion in relation to all late war weapons and vice versa.
There’s so many ways how to balance weapons artificially. Few examples, recoil, ammo capacity, dispersion, reload time, movement penalty…
(Even VG 2, imagine MAS-36 level weapon but with 0,000 dispersion, mag and 10 rounds. It could easily compete with any BR4 semi)
Yet they take the path of some strange BS “balance”, which is in fact very unbalanced and at the same time completely unnecessary, not respecting historical realities.
It really bothers me because it’s all just one big wasted potential. Just because they were lazy to rebalance the stats of a large number of weapons.
But something like that should came with the merge, now it’s too late… So whatever.
BR3 wouldn’t be useless against BR4, weapons like the MG34 and DP27 are more than adequate. Not to mention the PPSH box and Type 100 late SMG also being short range buzzsaws.
But when you take these guns and put them against STG44s, Fedorovs, RD44s, Type Hei autos, they really do fall behind and fall behind fast
Because it is too strong for br2 (upgraded it can do 9.6)
given the greater damage than the m1 larger magazine no
why this is for assaulter when it has such a low rate of fire
cut down the magazine from 30 to 15 or 20 maybe
yes and if the m1 was br1 that would not be an issue
more base ammo that implies you can increase the ammo of an m1
and its twice
imagine doubling the magazine size of any mg or smg
early days and I can say a bolt action is better
than keep it at br3