I don’t get why this thread is still going, if you are on the attacking team you must push to win. It doesn’t matter if you die 20+ times while pushing, as long as you are trying to cap objective.
The alternative is you don’t push. And who else might have this idea? Like 5 other people on your team, so no one is pushing. No one is capping. Capping objective is how you win as the attacker.
DEFENDERS HAVE INFINITE TICKETS, it does not matter if you rack up 400+ kills with zero squad wipes
I run three planes and a tank because I have 10 slots, but I could only get 2 of them into the picture I wanted.
I prefer to cycle Colt Monitor squad into MG into MG, because the of the pure spray and pray capability of the 1919A6. 2 flamers is also definitely viable though.
did you not notice that game mechanics actually penalize vehicles? i often get somewhere between 60-80% of my actual tank/plane experience. if anything game needs to reward capping more.
only brain dead and closed minded individual here is you. i have made arguments that you couldnt refute. you are constantly claiming that you cap after you “soften” the target. when it is impossible to soften defenders with unlimited tickets when you have at least one (and sometimes multiple) spawn points just 40 meters from cap point and they are often well defended from snipers, tanks and artillery.
your only argument was…
but you didnt mention how you would destroy them when you are not capable of getting into cap with enemy current defenses, not to mention going 40 meters further back from cap. and all of that while sniping from attackers spawn…
please in your infinite wisdom, tell me what could make it more effective?
well ukraine south offensive is like that. for few metars of land they have hundreds and thousands of dead. but cause it was strategic offensive to get russians to redeploy their troops from east, it was overall great strategic victory where they liberated large swathes of land.
Well I never said to stop pushing, this is just nonsense people make up
And I also never said that people should stop trying to cap the objective, again nonsense that people make up
I will repeat this, because it bears repeating. I have been in various matches where the attacking team simply kills the other team so much, that capping is an after thought. It just happens, because we are just killing the other team so hard, that even a lowly bot can cap the point.
So this idea that you can only win if you run at a point is completely false. The team that typically wins is not just the team who pushes the objective, it is the team who dominates with kills around the objective and the approach to an objective.
That is my experience anyway.
And the times I’ve seen teams focus only at running at the objective against teams that know what they are doing, they get cut up to pieces and lose and rage quit.
The times when the winning teams win by running at the objectives in mass, it happens when the other team sucks and they rage quit early in the match
Attackers also have spawn points they can put down close to the objective
Winning attacking teams will push the enemy back, there won’t be any spawn 40 meters of the point on a dominant attacking team
But all things being equal, there is still no reason why you couldn’t make a spawn point for your team
Not sure why you are so caught up on this
I already have, usually it’s a combination of things, such as your team dominating the air and tank warfare. That team usually has the advantage and wins more often than not.
But also winning the infantry battle is key, which involves flanking and targeted hits and setting up multiple flanking spawn locations
If you are having a hard time going from the front, chances are, your team mates are also having the same problem. So you have to come up with a solution. Because doing the same failure over and over again won’t solve the problem. Unless another player does it for you. In which case, you are better off being vigilant and dealing with other problems carefully until the major issue is dealt with.
that is cause you suck at the game. that is why. whole topic is actually about you not understanding this.
kill domination would make sense if:
there are no unlimited tickets for defenders
there are no rally points for quick reinforcement
waiting times between spawns was longer
but those conditions are not met. so only thing that remains is zerg rush and cap objective. btw building multiple rally points and flanking is desirable, but problem is actually making people get engineer in their fking squad. but still even with that it would still be just zerg rush just from multiple angles.