Reward players who do not lose so many soldiers

damn you are really hung up bout most of this thread

there are other reasons to quit such as awful mode cough cough train, extremely uncooperative team, an awfu map or a rat like team

how is that on topic with the thread, sounds like you are a bit annoyed at us laughing at you but hey if you want some screenshots that are on topic

then here you go

also we’re still waiting for you to post your stats OP :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Stop necroing posts smh


We are asking for your lifetime stats not some curated game where you farmed bots.

Quitting doesn’t do shit for stats as your WR is still affected by games you leave. You would know this if you actually tried to understand how the game works.


everyone is missing the point

my personal stats are irrelevant, I never claimed to have great stats or anything like that, nor would I need to in order to have an opinion on what would make the game more enjoyable and stimulate better smarter gameplay

I have seen the hypocrisy in how people think in this game

and the core issue is that the game is not being played in a way like in a real combat situation where you have to be careful with your manpower, because without manpower you have no power.

This game makes manpower into throw away resource

and the other issue is the way the game is mostly about xp farming to access more powerful squads and toys, again something that does not help quality of gameplay

The game already has braindead npcs that run in straight lines to death

So the fact you are arguing for players to become like bots is not a good argument to have

And bringing up screenshots of someone who has a lot of deaths and a lot more kills, is still not the topic lol

the topic is people who just die a lot and barely kill 1:1 and how to give them incentives to be more productive with their soldiers lives

something that you people still don’t seem to understand, as you are stuck on these stupid notions that somehow someone needs to demonstrate stats to prove they know what they are saying, you have to be so dumb to think that. It’s like asking a coach of a professional sports team to see his stats, and when you see that he was a middle of the road player do you dismiss his coaching ability after he has shown himself to be a more successful coach than player? That’s just moronic. Also many times, the players who had the great stats, aren’t that good for coaching. So it’s the same with games, the best players don’t necessarily know what’s best for the game. I see this across many games. Because they have a limited view on the game at that level. There are more players that aren’t top level than there are top level players, and at the end of the day all would benefit if all players were rewarded for playing the game with more effort to increase their kills and reduce their deaths.

This isn’t saying that if you died a lot and killed much more that you have a problem, that is not what I am saying. You keep misunderstanding that, despite me clarifying that multiple times.

I just think we are at a point where people just make up their own things of what they think someone says, instead of understanding properly what the other person is saying.

Can’t help ignorants

Also for everyone asking for my stats, I play in a continent where there is no server on my continent, and also don’t have top of the line internet or top of the line computer, so my stats wouldn’t be as impressive as they could be. But again, that is besides the point, I still can pull off decent matches and can contribute quite well to any team, and be very helpful to a team even if not the best player every match like the elite players.

But I would like to see those elite players perform so well on my conditions, to see if they are really that good, or how much of the help they get is technological advantages and location. Because I am certain I could perform a lot better if I had top tiered everything, I am certain all my stats would rise considerably. As lag is one enemy I cannot overcome, especially when I have more of it than my opponents

Those are called milsims, this is not one

Also holy defensive essay, now post stat

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No, you are missing the point. You want the game to become something it is not, and you refuse to accept the fact that you are playing the wrong game. The core gimmick of this game is the bots, and because of them, the arcadey aspects are basically inseparable from the core gameplay. Furthermore, this isn’t a millsim, so things like “playing in a way like in a real combat situation” are irrelevant. You don’t seem to understand that, but yet you still want to completely overhaul the game. This is why we asked for your stats, so we can see exactly how invested in the game you are. The fact that you play on a continent without a server means nothing, as many of the best players of this game are from the SEA region and under the exact same conditions you are under. Hardware is no excuse for skill issue.


so play with dial up and give me the top tier hardware, we see if that is not an issue lmao, where do morons come up with this nonsense

how many top players are running dial up type internet and dominating every match? :rofl:

people really have no sense to think before making dumb comments on the internet

also the top players play the way I am describing, where they kill much more than they die, so they justify their play, so if they are playing the way I am saying, and you are calling that a milisim, then you are saying that the top player play milisim

but of course you don’t understand what I am saying so you will continue to make up nonsense instead :rofl:

you really are exposing your lack of intelligence and lack of comprehension skills

and instead you just make up nonsense and make this ridiculous statements and expect it to be true just because you said it :rofl:

you can do that, but that’s just lying and making up stuff and hoping it can be true by just making it up

that’s not reality or a valid argument or point

i am saying to reward players that take care of soldiers lives more, so they don’t end up losing 20 squads and only killing 2-3 squads

that is not saying to change the game to milisim

you people really do go off the deep end and make up irrelevant stuff just to try to dismiss an otherwise perfectly good incentive for players to take more care in battles so they don’t lost matches for teams

funny part then you are the same players complaining that players suck and you quit the matches

you just have no idea how it is all connected :rofl:

I think the reward for not be killed is to be alive making points :smiley:

I understand the idea of the friend, because in a battle a suicidal attitude (losing soldiers a lot) is terrible for the team, as example I see a lot fighters shooting at open space with a submachine like Rambo :smiley:

With this kind of reward the players would be more prudent, but is hard to give points for prudence in a battle, as example: sometimes i decide to risk my soldiers because I want to find and destroy a enemy rally point, exploding a tank or a machine gun, that kills many soldiers of my team, this means careless with my soldiers, but the idea it is help all the team. Many times I see players that when playing together with a unexperienced coleagues and see that is a ‘game lost’ just take distance of the point and try just to receive points (and I lose a lot of soldiers trying to defend the point), they would be rewarded?

Another example: I like to play as engineer, many times we are loosing a long time, so I have an idea constructing a rally in a different point, and the battle is turned, the engineer would be rewarded? Maybe not, constructing carefully a rally in a more secure and strategic place make more players use its rally, and thats the prize for me, contribute for the victory.

All this is just to say, I understand what he is saying, It would be a more realistic game, but in my opinion it is a bit complicated, and maybe a more realistic game would need a commander to give orders in the battle (defend point, advance, get back…) and could be boring :smiley:

of course we all take risks like that

for example when playing my flamethrower troops, my goal is to go in and do as much burning damage as possible to the enemy, I know I wont last long with that troop, however if I mindlessly take all my soldiers on that suicide mission then I have just wasted an entire squad 5-7 men or whatever size, when I could have first placed the other men in better positions to survive and potentially get some kills for the team

this is just one example

so in this example lets say you take 7 guys, and you get 5 kills with your flamer, and they all get wiped the result is 5 kills and 7 deaths maybe seven kills if you are lucky because bots got a couple of kills

now in the other example, you get your 5 kills and now you have 6 more guys to try get some more kills than the 2 the bots got you in the first example

that is a big difference in being economical with tickets, since losing tickets / lives is still a resource

and have to consider that the first guy might get zero kills and just eats bullets and dies without achieving anything, in which case you now have 6 more guys to try get more kills before losing them, whereas if you take them with you and they only get 2 kills and now are all dead, you just lost 7 tickets and only managed to achieve 2 kills, if you are lucky and the bots hit something.

This is just one example for one squad type

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You would be surprised to learn how many of the best players play from places like South America and Southeast Asia, where they have all of those issues you brought up. Doesn’t stop them from easily winning every game they join through pure skill alone. Of course, you would have to understand the game and know the community behind it before you could learn of this. No, they arn’t top players like you describe. While they do have positive KDRs, most of them achieve this by running and gunning on the point and not playing it safe. They can win every game on their own they play if they feel like it, which is arguably makes them significantly betters player than what you are describing, because what is the point of playing the game if you arn’t going to try to win. No, they don’t play the way you describe, they all play the point because they all know that the only way to win the game is if you put bodies on the point. Again, you would know all of this if you played the game for any significant period of time and interacted with the rest of the community. But alas, as you has proven by continuing to dig this hole, you know nothing about this game, but still want to change it to your image. This is why we asked for your stats, so we can see how invested in the game you are.

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I play this game for a long time, on and off

and doesn’t matter how good a player you are, in the last match we played, they had two tanks outside the territory that infantry cannot reach, and they had all approaches covering the objective covered

so doesn’t matter how good a player you think you are, or other players think they are, or how good you think one other player is, without superior levels and tools to deal with that situation they too would have been destroyed

we eventually took it, through a lot of hard work and determination from our team, but by that time, the losses had piled up for our team.

So again, my point stands

doesn’t matter how good of a player you are, if you are facing a team that has more players, better players, higher campaign levels with superior gear, weapons and machinery and if they have superior hardware, including pc, internet and location then the best players with all that will easily annihilator the other best players that don’t have that especially when outnumbered. Unless your friends are hacking and cheating, then that’s a different story

I’ve been in squads with top level players that dominate most matches, but as soon as we go against a stacked team with superior players, they lose. Just how it goes. So your fantasy that one level 1 guy by himself can dominate an entire stacked team is laughable, i’ve been around long enough to see that doesn’t happen. Only happens against bots or noob teams, seen that happen. But as soon as things get tough against a stacked team of high level players, they start crying in chat that the team are noobs or quit the match :laughing:

I am not disbelieving or discrediting other good players in other continents, but I bet you they aren’t on that low tier internet and playing on a potato pc especially if we talking about people that play competitively

but anyway players that do a lot of killing aren’t running around losing 25 squads for only 20 single kills, so that has nothing to do with the object of the topic lol

ever seen a professional play air soft and dominate the other players? You think he runs out in the open to get murdered repeatedly lol , no he plays the objectives, but he plays smart, doesn’t go running at the enemy like a lunatic, he uses cover and exposes very little of himself to the enemy to shoot at

toaster hardware excuse check
bad internet excuse check
stats still missing

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irrelevant comment check

stats posted check

avoiding to post your most likely negative stats proving you being just deadweight for team and need to be carried check.

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you guys really are demented

you want me to be that which you wish me to be so badly that you are willing to just try to force it into existence with lies

truly pathetic, and yes I have bad games, i’m only human, but i never claimed to be a great player, you idiots have presumed that only a great player is allowed to say the things i’ve said, and that’s simply not true as the points are valid no matter who says them, they could be said by the worst player in the game, and it would still be valid, you idiots just don’t get that…

and no it’s not an excuse that dial up internet will screw anybody’s performance, it’s just a fact, just as having an older computer will also hurt frames and extremely high ping is a huge disadvantage, all facts, not excuses

those of you going after me like this are all so pathetic trying so desperately to target me instead of admitting you are wrong in all of this and have made fools of yourselves on here for all to see

list of idiotic comments

  • one level 1 guy with dial up can dominate an entire team of pros as long as he is from asia lmao

  • we are sick of carrying, so we just quit instead, guess we aren’t carriers since we need others to carry us too lmao

  • this guy can’t be taken serious unless we see his stats, yes that is our out, because then we don’t have to actually admit he is right or discuss the topic, we can focus on his stats lmao

  • we saw his stats, and he is ok, but we still will pretend he isn’t ok, because we hate this guy so much because he exposed our stupidity lmao

some things never change…Looozers…quit more matches, so you can get carried more, I mean carry more lmao

dear diary, over 6 months later we are still waiting stats.

Found another entry in your diary, it reads:

dear diary, I am obsessed with another mans stats

I have a problem, I need help

but there is no help for this ridiculous obsession

i’ve seen his stats, but they just aren’t what I want them to be, so I want somehow for my fantasy to come true

end of diary entry I am so frustrated with this man, I hate him so much, he has to be a bad player, it is my only hope


I believe your stats would do just fine.

don’t worry I will post more stats especially for you in my stats thread, so it may ease your unhealthy obsession, I don’t want you to suffer unnecessarily

but you need help, and not the kind that I can offer