Revert classification of Mkb 35/III back to smg

I have three reasons for this.

  1. I bought the gun with the intention of equipping my vehicle crews with it. Which was made impossible by a change that occurred after the gun could no longer be purchased.
  2. With the introduction of assault engineers, veterans can seal club matches with low BR fully automatic engineers. It is very unfair that such a limited part of the playerbase has such a unique and powerful feature.
  3. some weapons already do not respect their real life classification (gorov lmg, conders MG and so…)

Never again change such fundamental aspects of things that people have paid for. Thank you.



Mkb 35/III is a counterweight to low BR fullly automatic paratroopers, which Germany does not have at all.


That’s extremely weird argument. Since you can’t have 4 paratroopers with hammer.
Group of fully automatic engineers will always be more potent and useful than paratroopers.

A bit of a bad counterweight as mkb can’t be purchased for a year already. While Soviet paratroopers can be.
I think all factions should get a tech tree paratrooper squad. That would solve literally all the balance issues in this matter.

Currently, Mkb can be used only by veteran players to slaughter newbies.
I really do not understand how can anyone defend obvious seal club feature.

You are just using one imbalance issue to justify other imbalance issue. That’s kinda lame imho.



They also made artillery luger equippable as a pistol. I think you have a very shortsighted take on this when asking for no changes like that to weapons.

Also can we stop this constant random pearl clutching about “X inconsequential thing will be seal clubbing” when BR1 noobs can get matched with BR3 anyway? A fucking gold order mkb makes 0 difference.


Gear equity is a joke
There are differences in the equipment of all camps
Do you want all high-performance weapons to be level 3?
Because these weapons are suppressive in low-level environments
Or something a little more extreme
Weapon performance must be the same for all camps

They are few and unique
That’s the reason to keep them
Although I don’t have this weapon
But this does not affect my support for these weapons to continue to maintain their status quo

Completely different context and you know it.
It doesn’t limit the usage of the weapon in any way. The change wasn’t randomly introduced after weapon is no longer purchased. And it doesn’t effect balance in any way.

Engineers do not have anti-tank weapons
This means they are just a group of assault troops who can build spawn points and anti-tank guns.
The most important thing
For low-level players, there is not much difference between 4 low-rate assault rifles and 4 high-performance submachine guns.

They won’t just be massacred by 4 inferior weapons and an engineering squad.
Because they will be slaughtered by all weapons

well i have 3 of them and i`m really happy i can equip my Event Engis with them…


Whatever. I bought the weapon for vehicle crews. They’ve shamelessly changed it so it’s impossible now.

You wouldn’t even care until assault engineers. And now you’re just defending completely obvious seal club feature.

Literally nobody bought MKbs with intention to equip his assault engineers with it.
This shameless change should be reverted

I thought there would be better suggestions
But I only see people who are dissatisfied with the results of the money and time spent by the minority group.

It’s completely irrelevant what you thought.

Funny as one could argue you were earlier defending another sealclubber mechanic bodyarmor.

I guess its preference what is and whats not sealclubbing equipment :person_shrugging:

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The official choice has nothing to do with what you think

4 low-performance assault rifles will not change the environment or player winning rate
The only people who will be dissatisfied are those who are attacked by these weapons and those who are jealous
Before you learn not to discriminate against things you don’t like
Maybe you can’t hear anything

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I don’t see how this is seal clubbing feature, since any new player can obtain/have it. It is not unique to veteran players in any way.
And I literally used the same argument as here:

Doesn’t make sense. You are just obviously triggered or insecure about my suggestion. Because it would meant you will no longer have use of assault engineers on low BRs.

I guess you didn’t read the above
You just take what you want to see out of context

Now I use VG15 for them
Because I can kill the enemies in the entire stronghold with a 30-round magazine

No, I simply just do not believe you.

Just like anything else you don’t have a good reason to argue with


Your whole argumention was just:

“Nah, it’s insignificant issue from my perspective so it should not have change”

with the current economy ? Dont think so.
Nor I doubt any newplayer wastes actual money on it, definitely not if they dont know about the hidden features of it.

I guess its suck to pay for sealclubbing and get it removed :person_shrugging:

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Whatever, body armors have nothing to do with this suggestion. So please, stop derailing my topic.