Revert classification of Mkb 35/III back to smg

your reasons are like

Can’t get him so no one should have it

Well, considering one sealclubbing feature is fine and another is not.
Sounds bit like you have some kind of hidden agenda here, quite hard to take such suggestions seriously.
Aka credibility of author in subject of sealclubbing is questionable very least.

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Seems like you haven’t even read this topic.

You just saw title and started to write nonsenses.

Whatever, even if this point wouldn’t be valid from your perspective. There are still 2 points left. (Even tho from my perspective body armors aren’t seal clubbing issue whatsoever)

I just do not want discussion about body armors here. Please, respect that.



For low-level players, there is not much difference between 4 low-rate assault rifles and 4 high-performance submachine guns.

They won’t just be massacred by 4 inferior weapons and an engineering squad.
Because they will be slaughtered by all weapons

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They have always been unique. Literally the only fully auto weapons with high base dmg that could be equipped by vehicle crews.

That’s why I have bought it.

Your arguments literally doesn’t make proper sense. And complete ingnores reasons why I want this change to be reverted

You can still put them in the car
And now there is only one limited-time engineering team that can equip them
What has changed?
Makes you not want to put these weapons on passengers?

Lol, your arguments are just getting more and more hilarious.
I will not participate in such pointless debate with you.

I bought this gun for a aspect/feature, which they then shamelessly changed. I’d like to see you in my shoes

It seems that Google Translate made me understand something wrong.
Was it a submachine gun?
I partially apologize for the cognitive errors

Just like how I feel about your stupid jokes.
I’d love to have him stop here

A full-power submachine gun?
Sounds like it should be called an assault rifle
I guess they confirmed this in the pre-merger vote

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That’s why I have pointed out this:

For example even recently introduced Type Hei Auto was considered as MG in real life.

sure thing champ, how about remove the sealclubbing part there since it sounds bit hyporcrite :+1:

Seems like I have to repeat myself.

I don’t quite see the argument that you’re making with the 3rd point. Weapons in-game are classed based on what they fit best(Conders, Gorbov, and LAD all follow this rule.) So as the Mkb 35 would fit best as an AR, it would be classed as an AR.


Could say pretty much the same, dont really see mkb35 as sealclubber either as I paid for it in past or some other silly ass reason.

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They do not. Literally the only decisive aspect is ammo/base dmg.
In that case I do not understand why is type hei auto not MG and scoped MKb/stg assault rifles.

Btw. Gorov definitely do not reflects is classification right. In thats case Lahti (or any other low br MG) could be BR5 rilfe as well.

Okay, that’s your opinion. I have no intention of changing it. I’m directing my suggestion to the developers.

imagine complaining about a body armor under a mkb35 thread :skull:

this community will never cease to amaze me.

kinda checks out too



you’re right. Amen brother

This is the fastest and most accurate answer I have seen on this forum. It’s incredible what the players do here.
Change class from AR to SMG
Just because you don’t like certain players coming to her with the new engineer squad is a bit unfair and doesn’t seem like a real suggestion, it sounds like a whim.

Besides, it is something that was not decided by the players, it is something that Enlisted changed. If this were the case, veterans should not allow the use of parachute squads in low BR.

Since it is the same as what you are proposing, because the parachute squad is something that only veterans (or certain players) have (seal clubs) or whatever you like to call it and they abuse this all the time, because their value in battle is superior to a squad of engineers with assault weapons. I think this is not the way to make suggestions (children’s whims)

Because I can’t have it or because my favorite faction can’t have it, so that no one has it is your suggestion?


The allies and Soviets don’t like you bringing up their magic on how they can bully low BR Germans or Japanese


haven’t bought a premium one but you can fill in the blank there for yourself


And if you look at the BR5 paratroopers for the allies they don’t suffer the penalty of the Italians with their flame thrower because every bot in the area we’ll just aimbot you because you use it.

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