Return Historical loadouts and vehicle lineups in tiers NOW

That’s your problem. the game is ‘Historical based’ its no where near as accurate like in HLL or Post Scriptum, That is what most people expect when they play Enlisted

Good work, sir; I have never seen this until now.

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But given the few snippets there was nothing that explicitly stated that each weapon would be in their historical context and enviorment. The models are real and thats about it what they actually promised.
Nothing there says that there wouldnt be 1945 weapons in moscow and etc. The only limit is that it was somewhere used by somebody (I guess some gold orders violate that but thats about it).
They were carefull how they worded it and in this case they didnt even even lie but gave an as vage definition as possible that sounds good but litterly permits whatever they want to do with their weapons as long as they existed somewhere.

“Collection of ground vehicles and aircraft that look and feel the same in battles as they did in reality”
“Actually used in particular military campaigns”
“In line with historical facts”
should mean, it definitely did not mean what they actually did.
At the end of the day, fact means fact and fact is that the Jumbo was not in Normandy.

The did not mass spam this lazy-ass “immersion” term. They straight went with detailed terms.

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All of the weapons correspond to the historical prototypes and were actually used in particular military campaigns.

it says that they were USED in particular campaigns. considering this is probably premerge marketing, it was wrong then, not to mention postmerge.

devs later said that (idk if on forum or on discord) that any prototype weapon is ok for certain campaign as long as it existed at that time anywhere on the world (whether or not used in other campaign or in prototype phase). but marketing remained the same with its “historical weapons”.


I see it similarly.
In the end, we want to play a WW2 shooter here, i.e. a game with a certain reference to a time and event.
If that’s not the case, the manufacturer could replace all weapons with colorful streamers and pink balloons. Which players throw at each other.

The game would do well to acknowledge its roots.
At the beginning of the game you also looked at the squad composition a lot, realizing that perhaps not every soldier in the squad can carry fully automatic weapons at the start of the game. Unfortunately, this was overturned in Tier 5 by classifying the M2 Carbine, FG42 and AVT-40 as self-loaders. As a result, more or less all remaining soldier classes were converted into assault soldiers. And thereby throw everything out of balance. What makes matters worse is that with the right soldier perks, these weapons sometimes play like laser rifles.

I also see that a historical approach would solve many of today’s problems, as this means that the performance differences between the weapons are not as different as they are today between T5 and the rest of the game. If the clash of weapons were limited to the years/locations of release, the sometimes extreme imbalance in its current form would not exist.
Each faction had different advantages and disadvantages depending on the phase and setting. Small deviations for balance would probably be bearable.
Experimental Battle Pass weapons could also be limited per deck, so they would still be available, but would no longer distort the overall picture.

But what has now been achieved by lumping all players together into 2 larger pots is that T5 dominates the entire game and has therefore made all other tiers apart from T2 unplayable with the implementation of the current battle rating and matchmaking.

In the end, the opposite goal is achieved than what was actually hoped for with the merge.
More players, including more experienced players, are becoming frustrated and turning their backs on the game. And therefore there will be fewer active players than before the update. And only those who don’t care about the scenario are left and will turn their backs on Enlisted when the next big blockbuster title comes out.

I have already expressed my assessment of the imbalance here:


I wish it would be like this. The merge took us even further away from that.

Who is we though? Because it doesnt look like there are many people to consider.

No. People would just spam KV1s until 1942 where the Germans spam Tigers in Moscow because 1942 is 1942. Soviet would get PPSh and Fed instantly while Germans can get insane OP 20rd MP28 and whatever America has, they will suck even more.

Like what? Soviet suffer from early access drum and Germans getting Tiger too early.

Game has be historical but not THAT historical.

Not really. It sucks but it sucks FAR less than pre-merge since now Stuarts will not face Tigers anymore.
Also, adding another queue is far easier and balanced than stupidity of “HiStoRiCaL” BR.

I always love that people say this but we never get the numbers.
Because so far the only thing that really went down are the number of bots, which used to make up almost 50% of the playerbase.

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Unfortunately, I see things differently now. Due to the current matchmaking, it makes no sense to play T3 or T4. Due to the automatic weapon spam from T5, which dominates the other lower tiers.
Yesterday I had some games that were more like a jump and run game. As soon as one side realizes that it is superior to the other in terms of weapons.

My criticism does not relate to the vehicles, but to the handguns.

I think vehicles can still be combated effectively using the rock, paper, scissors principle.

Since the merge, some vehicles have more or less disappeared. Or you will find more Tiger 2 on the battlefield due to the situation of non-playable Tiers 3 and 4.
But here the manufacturer is more likely to throw more experimental vehicles into the fight without wanting to solve the basic problem. So there can only be an upward spiral.
For every player who has access to all weapons and vehicles, his Tiger 2 will always be preferred over Panzer 4, StuG3, and Tiger 1, as long as he has the risk of ultimately having to compete against IS 2 or, in the future, against Pershings due to the current matchmaking.

In my opinion, the update reduced the playable content to 2/5.

And due to the current extreme imbalance from tier 3 onwards, the player base will only grow more slowly once the tier level is reached.
Who wants to willingly be slaughtered all the time?

For the last few months I have spent at least 3 to 4 hours playing the game every day.
I will reduce my activities to a minimum in the future because I don’t just want to play only Tier 2 and Tier 5.
Or quince any game with unbalanced matchmaking or Tier 5 involvement in Stalingrad in the future. (I myself am actually an opponent of quitting, but currently see no other option)
All other tiers currently make no sense without having to serve as cannon fodder for Tier 5. It’s just not fun like that.

Many people in my circle of friends see it the same way and will act in a similar way to me.
You can also find more voices like mine in the forum.

I’m afraid we’re probably talking past each other here and about different things. It doesn’t mean that a Tiger 1 should drive in Moscow.
Ultimately, this was not used until late summer 1942. Whereas the attack on the Moscow suburbs ended in January 1942.

My point is rather the other way around, that Tier 5 equipment, for example, was not used in Stalingrad. As can currently be the case in the game.

And the difference in quality of the handguns between Tier 3/4 and 5 is simply too great. And the current classification and usability of the T5 auto loader weapons even reinforces this effect.


If they keep straying from historical accuracy I am going to quit. My main reason for coming here instead of war thunder beyond it providing infantry is the historical accuracy. I can accept minor things here and there and even some fun toys that are quite questionable, but playing desert camo tanks on ardennes is pissing me off. I am not buying a camo just to be able to play certain maps.


THe Game was and is a Squad based FPS about WW2, was and is. ANd it was centered on and about historical campaigns with it’s own separate Squads, vehicles and weapons that was there and then.
Jesus christ some of you are dumb for not understanding believable immersion.
You can have some stuff here and there and bla bla. but the overall immersion of a match should be fair representation of said Map.
ANd always this dumb idiotic statements of you guys, but bla bla it was actually not there that year, and only few lala, and Exact historical Squad didn’t look like that!. fcking hell we know ok? It’s still about BELIEVABLE Historical Immersion in a game. jesus christ.
That the Game wasn’t Perfect historical authentic doens’t mean it’s completely done for, and certainly don’t mena we have to go even worse. THe way to go would have been to address the issues, solve and still be focused on the fundamentals of the game of Historical Aspect with separate campaigns.
That most of you can’t grasp and fathom and put things together, as in can’t have Historical AND balance is just plain bad mind and low creativity.
There was some things good with merge and that had good intentions, like merge the tech trees, which should have been from start, and the rework of perks, less autistic now.
But they didn’t have to ruin and remove the campaign aspect which was what this game was about.

The Game now, is still bots, still unbalanced teams, still unbalance in gear in teams, and sometimes even worse in gear balance because you can get uptiered and downtiered.
The game is still in these regards shit and now it’s worse in regards of the actual game immersion since you have time travel squads, you can’t decide where and what campaign you want to play, Squads mean fck all regarding these guys where there in that time using this weapons & vehicles.
It’s terrible regarding the immersion, and that is what a game is about, immerse yourself in a game that in this case supposed to portray WW2.

You can pull shit out your arses all day and talk whatever you like.
Point still stands, Game is shit still and now it’s even WORSE in Historical aspect, which the game is and should be all about.

You guys are all like, ehh whine it’s not perfect example of historical exact so fkc it nonthing matters, so they can ruin rest too, doesn’ matter buhu. NO! You work on adress and make it better.
Fcking hell


Enlisted is an MMO squad based shooter for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 in World War II where you act as an infantry squad leader, tank crew or an aircraft pilot. The weaponry, soldier’s uniform, appearance and capabilities of the vehicles in the game are in line with historical facts.

From section countries and fronts:
Each with unique soldiers, weapons armored vehicles and aircraft fighting on the HISTORIC fronts of WW2

from main page:


One battle - thousands of soldiers, armored vehicles and aircraft. Battles are similar in scale to historical battles and take place on key fronts of the WWII: Normandy, Moscow, Tunisia, the Pacific Ocean and Stalingrad.

Enlisted is a free squad-based multiplayer tactical first-person shooter developed by Darkflow Software and published by Gaijin Entertainment. The game is set during World War II and revolves around major battles fought across all fronts of the war.


shall we list marketing BS

not mmo

you are acting as one soldier in squad of useless soldiers that you basically cant command

pure lie. we have lots of either time traveling weapons and prototypes that werent used in ww2 or in particular campaigns. performance of weapons (besides rpm and that is even in question for few weapons) is made up BS cause recoil, dispersion and damage arent in line with their real life performance.

when you remove squad insignias from vehicles/uniforms cause of their nazi affiliation, you cant really call them in line with historical facts.

maximum you can have is 180 soldiers at any given time and that number is often much less cause of vehicles and smaller squads. even if you include all spawned soldier, in most battles you will end up with number below thousand, not to mention thousands in plural.

this is pure BS. e.g. d-day landing had ~150k allied troops and ~50k german troops. how is that scaled in the game?


Not just German ones but even Allied troops dont have insignias or ranks even though they used to.
The Italians also still keep using German winter coats and helmets before 1943.

Add third queue.
And other ones later when the game gets more players whis is more likely than with dead-end campaigns.
And Tier 3 is 50/50 OP or UP so not really useless.

Pfff Yeah. I heard that excuse for three years now and reality was:

  • Light and TDs are useless.
  • Meds only if their gun and/ or armor was superior.
  • Heavies dominate and mostly die to suicide-planes.
  • Plane’s biggest enemies are trees and other planes.
    But a PPD40 Drum cant cope with a damn StG because it doesnt have 30rd Magazine and less ammo is always superior. Guns are real issues because they sit in backs and wipe oit entire squads with one shot and mostly requires planes to kill them.

Merge puts most good meds and heavies together. Issues of overtiered vehicles exist but is way easier to solve than campaigns where nothing was presented so far, that was sustainable or not contrary to the campaign system.
“Historic” BR is joke.

Not really. At least I found way more Panzer IIs, Stuarts and 75mm Shermans than before because no one used them outside Shermans in Tunisia because they were end-gear. The Tiger II was already tank no. 1 in Berlin and everyone was smart enough grinded Berlin to get it and now the Germans are just united and not split accross five queues.

Im pretty sure the risk to play against IS2 was higher in Berlin only since it was the sole campaign where IS2 and KT are and now they have 50/50 chance to meet each other based on queues alone so I dare to question your math.

Well. Iirc Tunisia Axis was like 1372892272819 times emptier than the current games. Current games are always filled and there seems to be no major player loss so far according to data stats.
Biggest complaint about matches so far are that 99% of Enlisted players are stupid, which is the result of 3-year inbred-like botfarming.

Get a life, jeez.

Pfff 1942 is 1942. Either go full year BR or leave because everything else will lead to BR discussions about faction exemptions.
Especially if a outphased destroyed battle rifle from WW1 is fine in WW2 for some reason.

Around 25% of free equipment is not Moscow-used, either phased out, not used at all there or literally didnt exist yet, but without it, even less would have played Moscow Axis, not to mention that is apparently enough to call a game historical.
And call me crazy but even less would like to take out KV1s with Panzer IIIs and IIs. Would say the chance to kill Tiger IIs with a 76mm Sherman or P-47 is higher and funnier than that and there seems to be more high US BR players than underdog factions in campaigns.

25% AIDS is still 25% AIDS.


The last campaign was literally the entire Pacific War.
This alone shows that it was done because past campaigns were actual campaigns/ battles and not an entire war.
Let alone, that otherwise you cant balance Japan against Mid-War US without access to 1945 Proto and Island Weapons.

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@robihr and @CaptainSebekel

What do you think is necessary to improve the situation? What does your target image look like? Or is everything good as it currently is from your point of view?
Is implementing a 3rd queue the solution to the problems?
What should this look like? Removing a certain tier level from the previous queues? Or do you think the manufacturer could convert everything to a time and genderless scenario?

Unfortunately, so far I have not viewed your contributions to the discussion as constructive, but rather as destructive. Unfortunately, I can’t really follow your train of thought or desire.

ffs this conversation has been made for past one year in countless topics. if you want constructive comments go read couple of thousands of posts that were made in past year on topic of BR MM vs “historical accuracy”. whole point of “historical accuracy” or “historical immersion” is stupid cause this game never had any of those and people are demanding bringing back old system that didnt work under the guise of that pretext.

game was shit premerge cause

  1. you played with lots of bots
  2. playerbase had preference for certain side for certain campaign making some sides utter nightmare to play
  3. it paired newbies with shit equipment against veterans with top equipment (more or less BR1 vs BR5)

game is now not best cause they f***** the merge, but it is till better than before cause games have more human players per team and sides are not so one sided anymore as before the merge. it needs at least one more BR queue and map voting/veto system.


how dare you forgot the uparmored 2C, and the panzer 3b

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those were just some examples.

if i had to cover all of them, it would take a good while ( which isn’t even really that worthed… )