Merge is very flawed but overall a success

Did you lose Torso uniforms for your soldiers too?

I don’t think its fair to expect the merge to be super balanced after such brief testing phases. But I agree the devs should have understood from tests that placing tier 2 players with tier 4 and 5 players should never happen.

Players who have a accumulated tons of squads and equipment are all facing a massive hurdle of finding all their stuff after it was merged together. I agree that major improvement needs to be made to allow players to manage their squads easier. I think the easiest solution currently is to create a “remove all equipment” button that allows players to completely unequip entire squads so players can more easily re-organize all their equipment.

I agree the UI is in desperate need of an overhaul to better communicate to players what BR squad is. The BR and tech tree systems are somewhat confusing and I feel bad for new players who have to figure all this out on top of all of Enlisteds other systems.

I don’t think so, for something to be a success doesn’t mean it can’t be flawed.

true, but as you can see during the test server time… there’s just not enough player to actually test how fucked the BR system are.

a bit conflicted on darkflow not getting it right from the first time (despite some mildly loud shout about the BR separation thing). on one hand, it sucks, on the other hand, i can kinda see why they’d just make sure things work and then fine tune things with player very upset feedback? :sweat_smile:

you should definitely send a report on you losing all your gold stuff and unique weapons. because they’re transfered just fine for me (as much as measly 100 gold matters)

you’re absolutely right on the “fuck, which squad is the squad i put the fast firing SMG again and which one is the slow firing one again?”
maybe some sort of giving nickname for squads will help? i sure as hell prefer to be able to know which squad is which with nicknames.

i for one, as a scrub with trash gears overall, am actually fine enough with the new merged system. as OP already said, allow for a much more player filled matches. turns out, i didn’t hate moscow campaign! only the part of not enough players!

that said, i only consider the merge is only successful on a couple of points which is:

  1. consolidating the (remaining?) playerbase, making it easier to actually get a player filled match.
  2. not causing some game breaking bug (that i know of) and actually transferring the resources properly (except for josephs there who lost all the paid shit, seriously, report that thing after this)
  3. adding a very barebone UI improvement (squad filter) that helps with the squad management. i very hope this is just the start of the UI improvements and not the final improvement.

First of all, everything worked for me with the transfer of the squads and weapons I had already earned. Also the refund of the gold I used for squad slots. :slight_smile:

An advance notice that the update will go live on day X would have been desirable in order to be able to make initial preparations.

Some have already written that they now have too many squads and no longer know the overview. I think that you just need a lot of time to adapt and configure your squads to the new framework conditions.

The only question I have is what makes the most sense for me. Configuration of a squad deck with one squad per tier level.
Or building a deck with different soldier presets.
Somehow both have advantages and disadvantages, I’m just not quite sure which makes the most sense.

What I don’t like so much about the update, however, is that it now creates unbalanced constellations in terms of weapons and technology development levels.
Yesterday I got into a Stalingrad battle in which the majority of players were using Tier 4 and 5 vehicles. (As an example: Panther, IS1, IS2, Tiger)
It’s kind of frustrating when you get into a situation like this with a Tier 2 or Tier 3 deck because everything is thrown together in one big pot.
Apart from the fact that any historical reference to the locations is completely lost. A pity…:frowning:
In my opinion, some fine-tuning is still necessary here.
However, I think it would be bearable if the matches only loaded after 60-120 seconds, but were more balanced and adapted to the locations and eras.

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Thanks for feedback!

After overcoming my inner weakness and spending a few hours adapting my squads, I have to say that I am quite surprised by the result.
On one side, I’m encouraged to play again with weapons that previously disappeared from my squads. In addition, combination options arise that were not possible before.
In my opinion, this means that you notice a clearer diversity of the weapon systems used on the battlefields.

Once you have completely reworked your decks, this investment of time will be well worth it! My previous battles were noticeably more balanced than before the update. Even if the historical accuracy is lost to some extent.

However, I think it’s a shame that some standard weapons from the first days of the war are only available late.
As an example the MP38. In my opinion, a shift to Tier 2 would be desirable in order to close a gap in German weapons.

“In my opinion, this means that you notice a clearer diversity of the weapon systems used on the battlefields”

but that’s where you’re wrong.

A tiered system like we have now means that there’s a “best in slot” for a “best in rank”.
Once everybody has famred their gear, everybody will have the same as it’s simply just “the best in that specific tier that I want to play”.

And the surprising is, that we already had that “best in slot” in World of Warcraft around 15 years ago. As players could “freeze” their level, they just stopped at the last level for the bracket and got the best gear for that bracket (imagine Rank I, II etc…). Quickly everybody that was farming battlegrounds had all the same gear.

And I will predict the same for the new enlisted. In fact, I already planned out my squads for each tier with best in slot for each of them. So I only use a handful of weapons and vehicles because it doesn’t make sense to use a less powerful vehicle or weapon in that rank (or tier)

Sounds great to me as a system…

Sounds more like old Enlisted tbh.

guess you only played Berlin ??

And Normandy and Moscow and SG and Tunisia. And of course most people only play Berlin and Normandy because that were like the last campaigns that actually had players.
People only used low stuff because they wre bots or newbies.

well, I played all 6 campaigns on both sides.

While I like the new matchmaking and not having to face Red-bull infused ADHD-kiddos with full gear, I have to admit that the weapon diversity is much lower now…which makes sense as explained previously.

Are you still managing your squads or do you only play Rank 5 ? then it would make sense…

Im slightly amused at the explosion on the forums about how BR has destroyed the game

BR 4-5 is no different than the state of Berlin pre merge (gameplay wise)

BR 1-3 is not much different from moscow, stalingrad and tunisia minus drum mags and assault rifles

In effect, the consolidation has kicked in, matches are more populated…BRs hasnt changed much in the scheme of things.

IMO the merge was only half deployed…the other half later lol.


I would say only US High Tier/ Normandy is not the same because M18 Hellcat is same level as Tiger II(H) because reasons.

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That’s probably true. However, it’s pretty stupid for any German to play Tier 4 when you could end up in Berlin with inferior weapons and be massacred by PPD-40 or AS-44 squads with your MP 40, hopelessly outgunned.
So, as an Axis player who has the choice, you will probably give preference to Tier 5 and thus end up with a King Tiger on the battlefield.

But I feel for you, I don’t think it’s that cool at the moment to have to fight with a Tier 2 squad with weapons like MG13 or an FNAB in Stalingrad.

Maybe there will be a Super Pershing for the Americans in one of the future updates. What will probably be the final death knell for Tier 4 players…

I think to avoid this problem you will probably need some Tier 4 battle elders from year 43. E.g. Operation Citadel, or Operation Husky, or Operation Shingle.
Then it would be possible to introduce the Super Pershing and differentiate Tier 4 and 5 better from each other, or better extend them with more gradations.

as long as people compare two different, non identical items, one will always be perceived as better than the other, as has always happened forever in everything, however small the differences are (we talking A having 0,1% more dps than B, A turning into meta and B being automatically trash tier and not worth using).

there is no escape from meta. the key is that the differences are actually in average so small, that a meta slave is not leagues above the casual fun seeker dude.

i dont think anyone should care if something is on average 5% better or worst than the alternative, and can go for personal biased and not quantified preference, like gun sound, sights, historic presence, color of the buttstock, whatever. if we go to 20% or 25% difference in performance, tho, things should be looked at.

just look at what is happening now. word of mouth established axis BR5 is OP, allies BR2 is OP. think a while what that will do to our population, going forward. are they really so OP as to move the entire tide of players one side of the other? yet that is what happened before, and will happen now. this hearsay system will give us no allied population in BR5, and no axis population in BR2…taking us back to square one.

except some outliers like the case with vehicles, tanks in particular, i dont think stuff is so extremely imbalanced as to warrant such an outcry.

we as a community with this BR balancing stuff are just like drama queens creating a drama out of nothing to play our part.

I don’t think you grasp what I was trying to say.

It’s not about comparing US BR1 stuff to GER BR1 stuff, but about “best in slot”. If you don’t know what best in slot means, better not comment.

I couldn’t care less for small arms balance. Tanks and planes is another story, but weapons ? as long as they can kill reliably I don’t care. I started Berlin against STG’s and FJ’s, and still could kill them and steal their gunswith my lvl 1 BA.

yes, it’s not ideal against full auto spam, but I just played differently.

After many days of playing, I unfortunately have to correct my initially balanced assessment of the changes to the game caused by the battle rating system and its implementation.

Unfortunately, the exciting games felt at the beginning faded away after a short time as soon as the more experienced players closed the gaps in the research trees.

I currently see the current battle rating and matchmaking as a step backwards, as the current matchmaking only leaves 2 playable tiers. And in my opinion that would currently only be Tier 2 and Tier 5.
With tier 3 squads you can only use them to fill up the games with tiers 4 and 5.
In my opinion, the vehicles are not the problem of an imbalance; the principle of rock, paper, scissors still applies here. Through which these can be combated effectively. I think that the diversity has increased significantly, which is definitely positive.
My concern here is the often extremely unbalanced distribution of ground weapons.
My Tier 3 deck only allows ground weapons like an MP-40, MG-34 or G41. But by constantly mixing it up with Tier 5 with players who can come up with max settings, these games feel like the Battle of Endor (slingshot vs. laser rifle).
Should I really fight with an early war weapon against comparatively overpowering precision weapons from the later years of the war, or those that can carry even more ammunition than my machine gun can carry? Such as M2 Carbine, M1928A1 Thompson, or even M1928A1 Thompson 100 in the Ardennes or Normandy, or alternatively against weapons such as AVT-40, Fedrov Avtomat or AS-44 in Stalingrad or Berlin.
Do you seriously classify weapons that fire 600-750 rounds per minute in fully automatic fire mode as self-loaders, which can then be used by almost every soldier in Tier 5? Here we should think seriously about limiting such weapons and not encourage their use to create further imbalances.

Another complicating factor is that many players received a few starting vehicles and weapons before the big update that increase their battle rating, while 99% of their remaining equipment is at Tier 1 level. Players without a rank or with a rank of Private have not lost anything in Tier 3, 4 and 5 matches!
Is this really the development team’s idea of a fair match distribution, or a better Enlisted? Are you actually playing your own game?

It is precisely these match constellations that often lead to the overpowering faction being able to run unchallenged across the map like in a jump and run game, hopping and firing continuously, and the players with inferior weapons being shot away shortly after spawning on the map and 0.0% can make game progress.
Unfortunately, I find these unbalanced battles extremely boring and would like to leave them immediately because they are a complete waste of time. :frowning: Many players then do this, which then leads to an even greater imbalance and further ruins the gaming experience of the remaining players. :frowning:

This means that in the end the only option left is to go into a game exclusively with Tier 2 or Tier 5 squads so as not to end up as cannon fodder here on the ground.
So somehow 3/5 of the game was made unplayable, and the update successfully removed it.

In my opinion, the previous campaign system was much more balanced.

I am also aware that the game is still a beta and that it may have one or two weaknesses or errors. And this situation is unlikely to change in the next few years/decade. I accept recurring errors that have since been fixed.
However, in the past and today the manufacturer already takes money for one or two little things in the game, and in one place or another not too cheaply. Before the update, I invested a few euros in the game because I enjoyed it. And the investment made sense at that point.
But now after the update I see my investment as a paying customer destroyed by the update because the items purchased at that time can no longer be played sensibly in the current constellation. Or it’s no longer fun. In short, as a paying customer I have different expectations

I apologize for my sometimes drastic choice of words, but unfortunately that had to come out of me.

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I completely agree with you, the BR/queue policy is the biggest fail of merge.

But I still naively believe this is not the final state. And devs will eventually add more queues.

I hope that there will be an improvement here in the future.
It would be an extreme shame to simply throw so much potential overboard and the previous attention to detail.
Many things in this game were tried to be as realistic as possible.
But then you simply ruin it with an update like this by turning the game on the left and trying (I understand who wants to, for whatever reason) to subordinate yourself to the mainstream market. So with those titles where the players move on from year to year and are not tied to the game in the long term due to the replaceability of the game (disposable goods).

My hope is also that my contribution will be read by the developers and that the feedback will be accepted and taken to heart. My aim is not just to criticize, but rather to express the desperation and resulting frustration regarding the current situation in the hope of being heard.

I think your assessment is very reasonable, I unfortunately came to a similar conclusion. The current state of the matchmaking really only allows you to play BR 2 and 5 if you want any kind of consistency in your matches. I hope this is fixed soon, so that more of the BR levels can actually be played without constantly being up or downtiered.