Return Historical loadouts and vehicle lineups in tiers NOW

I started playing this game for its historical accuracy of equipment and vehicles, but now I see Panzerfausts in both sides taking out early war tanks in Tier 1 battles and anti-air or antitank guns being built by nations that never fielded them.

Why you do this Gaijin? Why you make the exact same mistakes of War Thunder? Why you hate historical accuracy and everything that got you the playerbase in the first place?


enlisted never has been historical accurate.

it was advertised as one, but even in the CAT ( closed alpha test ) there were historical inaccuracies in equipment.

primarily the fg being given out like candies to non fallshirmjeager units.
or, the BA-11.

next in line, was the jumbo on d-day, and the m24 chaffe.

then, t50s in moscow despite only a handful of few were actually available during moscow.

federov in berlin

and then we got all the order weapons which are prototypes.
as well as tech tree weapons such as the new AS-44s models, AKTs, and the list goes on for pretty much all factions ( heck, japan is mostly made of protos. )

all to say, was necessary because the campaigns system was unsustainable in the long run. and cracks begin to shows when we had 4 campaigns.

made worse when we reached 6 as there were rofl stomps of " waves " of people massively joining one side over another.

or, worse, bots in one team with few players against another team made full of players.

so it was opted to simply things and merge all campaigns altogether.

the only thing that was sacrificed, was the campaign selection.
but for the rest, solved most of the issues that was supposed to fix / solve.
hence, the campaign system won’t return any time soon.


Time and time again, I wanted them to stop using the 1-2-3 3-4-5 and adopt +/- 1 or just as other suggest making BR3 it own thing.

Sure it won’t make it more historical but at least it make new player experience less painful.


i started playing this game for its historical inaccuracies and prototype weapons/vehicles that never left the design workshops.


They could have done “early” - “middle” and “late war” tiers instead of copying the thunder of wartanks system. More historically accurate and less cancer than mixing tiers.

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that’s just bs completely.

This is one of the most retarded arguements I find out there.
It’s a Game yes, it’s not live reels and we get to live control actualy soldiers.
It’s a game and has to be converted and drawn out somehow.
THe Game was historical campaigns based, with oddities here and there for funs sake.
That a certain weapon wasn’t there but few yer before and could’ve been there, doesn’t ruin the rest.
What ruined the game is the Battlepass Weapons could be bought multiple and not restricted, they should be locked to only battlepass soldiers can use em, to restrict idiotic full Squad BP weapons, But this is sweatlords who made this problem and because of what devs choose to be able to freely choose.
I would’ve liked to see weapons that were standard be able to freely distribute to Squads however, and prototypes and the BP weapons restricted.
Say Fedorov, If only the Fedorov Weapon was locked to only that Squad, in this case Assaulter IV, it would have restricted the access to it and made it more rare and you’d be less likely to run in to it.

BELIEVABLE Historical Immersion is the KEY.
The Game was a good mix of Historical Authenticity with Fun flavour added, BUT it should’ve been more restricted.

Now the Merge happened cause ONE reason and ONE only, because they were hoping the few players left would pool up and make matches feel more alive, has that happened? no, less people want to play this shit now, cause we actually want to play History when choose to play a Historical conflict WW2 Game. not this WT matchmaking time travel bs.

I know you, you usualy good, so give you a pass, and your’ve invested and got a whole lot you on doing modding and such.
But dont’ for a second spew bs like

It didn’t fix fck all, all it managed was to ruin the core way of playing the game.
matchmaking and player balance and weapon balance just as bad as before but worse now that it’s completely disconnected from Historical purpose.


Absolutely must be brought back and this BS ‘‘update’’ merge redone.
The Historical Loadouts for each Campaigns with their own separate Squads and their respective weapons & vehicles was and should be the fundamental way of the game, none of this Time travel bs.
It sucks


Hey, one T-50 was on a week-long recon mission or so. That means its on par with a T-34.

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The Jumbo was indeed very fun to play against. Or the T-50 or those tons of FGs.
Also apparently at some point fun is not allowed anymore for everyone else if like 3-10 people don’t have fun anymore.

If 25-50% plus minus Premiums were not there, it is not “certain weapons”.

1940, in a conflict which was not WW2


Just years bro.
Or time travel stuff
 just year bro. Thats historical.

But now it’s suddenly not about years again.

So people can have even less fun if the dont buy BP?

Prett sure the Volkssturm FG squad aint less stupid than the Cönders Truppe.

No Fun III

Then why didnt the mass leave yet except the 10 Facebook Friends?

We all want to play that Historical Games where the Germans invented time travel and deployed stuff there they did not have yet. Or the Soviets somehow use scrapped weapons from the Great War or SF rifles in easy full auto mode they couldn’t use full auto in real life.

Of what? Playing against bots?

So its as bad and also worse now?
Also, player numbers are equal now, at least we need 50% fewer bots now and a Stuart can’t face Tigers unless there is a bug or the guy is stupid so it is not the same.

Luckily the Mkb and the F2 were in Moscow.


bs or not.

that’s precisely what happened.

even if you can’t see that.

HA argument?

it is.

for something that never has been inside of enlisted.

but i’m afraid you’re looking somewhere else.

you just admitted it.

and yet you’re in denial?


yes it did.

that’s precisely what happened too.


where have you been for the whole time?

you’re a cbt yet completely naive or simply doesn’t remember?

it has been a whole battle of those who wanted HA to some extend, those who wanted fully, those inbetween etc.

which, the first test server did that.

and it was unenjoyable.

because somewhat like now, you had people " camping " sets of best campaign equipment to always land there and essentially never move anyewhere else damaging those who would have ended up there " on accident " or because of the matchmaker.

but of course, you are probably in favor of that while being actively part of the problem so i don’t expect for you to understand that.

that was the issue.

you had 6 campaigns with barely enough players to fill all of them.

hence, bots and unbalanced matches.

let alone new players getting curbstomed by veterans with the best equipment of the campaign ( m5s vs tigers and so on )

not precisely.

the merge happened because in the long term, would have been easier to introduce stuff and new content. as well as get rid of bots, and somewhat increase numbers of players in a map ( which absolutely did. stats shown by @robihr can actually confirm that )

not really.

there are more players per matches.

barely enough bots.

well, it is still a ww2.

with just more protos and hidden stuff that wasn’t particularly known at the time.

more, arcady so to speak.

which once again, enlisted always have been, and always will be.

the switch was made to be more user friendly and allow easier growth of the game.

had to become:

personally, i don’t mind it.

would have made no difference to me both this new system or the old campaigns.

i don’t really see many difference in terms of matches quality.

i still get the same teammates, and somewhat the same enemies.

but as shown, the merge benefits outweights and outclassed both the benefits and downsides of the campaign system.

 i don’t think i would have loved to grind 40 levels just to get an halftrack etc.

the matchmaker has solved alot.

you don’t see many tigers vs tier 1 equipments etc.

but, of course, nothing comes without issues.
such as the III br rule being the victim, or the " bully ".

and as everything, it just requires time and fixes.

but i doubt you would have been able to fix campaigns in any way.

and to reiterate, i’m sorry, but as a first poponent of HA enlisted would never have been able to survive from just remaining HA.

with more or less nitpicks from people.

thanks i guess


should have been a premium.

yet the stug III G it’s one despite being the most produced tank destroyer of the war :skull:

here goes the consistencies i guess

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i will just quote you back here

for your argument to be true, it would need to be believable and historical from which it is neither. you just want game that you believe to be historical which is something completely different.

actually it happened. game never felt so alive as it is now.

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To be fair to the people complaining about the lack of historical accuracy

Enlisted has been advertised as- Directly, and through sponsored videos, as a “historical shooter”.

I think it’s about time to change their marketing campaigns to be more reflective of their current state.

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Have some snippets: Enlisted

Tell me how accurate Enlisted thinks it is and how Enlisted actually is


 that was marketing BS from the start and for most people who have surface level knowledge about history, that claim is believable. they couldnt exactly market enlisted as: “WW2 flavored shooter with extra easy targets and mobile spawn points alongside with fantasy weapon/vehicle prototypes”


Just reading those snippets I wouldnt even say they are stating any falsehoods there.
The weapons are mostly accurate just their envirorment where they are used is not. But the marketing never stated specificly that their enviroment would be accurate aswell.

They might be a bit crafty and very lose on their interpretation of what is a realistic translation of a real weapon into the game but seeing those snippets suprised me as I expected it be have been worse.


Oh, regarding that.

It used to be worse. This is the most recent.

There was a point where everyone was circulating deep fried “REALISM” memes in the official discord server in a parody of how realistic the About page used to talk about the game.



well there are falsehoods. lots of weapons werent used in particular campaigns.
here is list of worst offenders from regular tech tree

we could probably double the list with gold/premium weapons/vehicles.

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That’s your problem. the game is ‘Historical based’ its no where near as accurate like in HLL or Post Scriptum, That is what most people expect when they play Enlisted

Good work, sir; I have never seen this until now.

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