Request for the Next Major patch!

I was wondering if it would be reasonable to put forward a request for the next major patch (after Steam release) to focus Entirely on completing and fine-tuning projects that already exist.

No focus on new vehicles, weapons, maps. Just giving attention to Polish and areas that fall by the wayside.

I am trying to compile a list of small things that I think, once completed will be highly appreciated.

The list is a work in progress as there is just so much to remember. I will add as things come to mind.

Match Making

  • Make filling games 1 for 1, Excess players from unbalanced Faction population get pure PVE opponents (not one-sided player counts)
  • Maybe a 30 second to 60 second warmup time to fill game OR option not to join game in progress.
  • 3 MM queues.
  • As it stands atm, without changing equipment ratings, MM should be (1-2) (3-4) (5)
  • Conisder bumping 10 a side to 15 a side. (Even if the extra 5 are locked to BOTS)
  • “bonus exp” for selecting “joining any team”.

Balance Pass

  • Fine tune equipment ratings (BR 2 smgs and Br 4 tank destroyers specifically)
  • Folgore to BR II (make weapons crate dynamic like the others)
  • weeding out inconsistancies in weapon BR placement
  • Currency Gain (Silver)


  • Bipods/Machine guns (fix or overhaul)
  • Normalising any outstanding Ticket differentials.
  • Add Engineers to default starting squad
  • Ensure Gray zone is at least 100-150 meters back from the objective from ALL angles.
  • Remove overheat from 20mm tanks and AA guns.
  • slow down overheat on MGS
  • Add Airfields (air spawn can be kept, just an option to repair)
  • Push Back Air Spawns OR start on Airfield.
  • Fix Aircraft Tail gunners.
  • Activate extra coaxial or bow gunners on tanks.
  • Ramp up Bullet Penetration Damage on certain materials
  • add to loss Tally when leaving games (purely superficial stat record change)
  • Engineer AI automatically build on placement
  • refine Squad AI orders

Customisation: (this may require a lot of planning and attention)


  • Vehicle Camos for Premium Vehicles, Including finishing the APCS, camo and decorations.
  • Dynamic Camo picks appropriate Camo for theatre.


  • Obtainable Factional Soldiers (British and Italian)
  • Appropriate uniforms for squads (and legacy) in all theatres (eg. Fallshcirmjager Mortar Squad is only having paratrooper uniforms in Normandy, And is default for all Mortar Squads
  • Fine tuning the customisation system to not require buying the same item multiple times for same soldier.
  • Italian uniforms on Eastern Front (Moscow, Stalingrad)


  • Increase render Range and Clarity
  • Add post FX filters Option from warthunder

Feel free to chime in


Everything but the BR tampering sounds good

Except this. This makes it so any rally point placed head of normal spawn is outside the protection of the gray zone. Making most rallies worthless due to constant attack by front pushers

Maybe its a personal thing, but as far As I am concerned, default spawns are protected, Rallys points shouldnt be. 50 meters is way too close to the objective for grayzone IMO (its only some odd maps grayzone). 100 meters is reasonable

But hey, to each their own.

Pretty good, I would add “bonus exp” for selecting joining any team.


added, thanks for reminding

I am not sure if this is what you meant, but I think the tech tree itself needs to be reorganized. Right now its a mess, BR 3 stuff after BR 4 and such.


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Pretty much anything that is inconsistant with other precedents already set in the tree. (or makes no sense)

just for example;

  • M1C garand sniper at BR 5 when the same gun (for all intensive purposes) is at BR 3.

  • Caracano M1891 Sniper at BR 3 when its not as good as Sniper Mod.38 BR 2

  • Folgore at BR 4 with BR 2 gear

  • Tank Destroyers Too high

Just stuff like that


I’d love “focus on this location/direction” order, I don’t want to confuse my teammates with markers I put for my bots.

also I’d love “on my lead” order

also I’d love “build here X” order

basically more orders

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Imagine asking for real improvement

Been debunking multiple of their latest patch fixes… Just don’t expext a damn at this point, cuz some of their fixes makes shite worse

  • Engineer AI automatically build on placement
  • refine Squad AI orders

something like that? just added quickly as dot points

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Solid list!

The emphasis on consolidation and polish before content expansion is doubly important. The incoming Steam player population will initially be confronted with issues before being able to even consider new features based on experience. Additionally, it will help with player retention.