Man u are just in denial now, you being bad at the game.
I’ve played ALL tanks and guns on BOTH sides in enlisted. Not to mention I know how to kill tanks just fine. I have over 3000+ hours in war thunder with 2000 battles using the jumbo sherman
Man u are just in denial now, you being bad at the game.
I’ve played ALL tanks and guns on BOTH sides in enlisted. Not to mention I know how to kill tanks just fine. I have over 3000+ hours in war thunder with 2000 battles using the jumbo sherman
My bad I typed in google “hurr durr murika jumbo” and thats the picture I got, did not want to derail the conversation by talking about a different game.
If you are going to name facts from a different game that you played over 3000 hours. Get them straight.
The pz4 we have are J/H those are BR 4.3 and the jumbo is BR 5.0.
Those stats say that the pz4 j/h are same BR but that is not true for this game either.
Also the Brummbar is BR 4.3 but I would recon that tank is quite a bit stronger in this game than Warthunder.
Can you keep the meta talk inside the game we talk about, the other games have different metas and therefore different ratings.
yes, THIS and i would be fine with the jumbo staying. And a whole new panzerjager squad who can all be equipped with it
this topic is a troll? not serious the jumbo I have it, it is slow and fat, its sight is rotten unlike the Germans, it has a lot of trouble to brake despite the perks of the bots and increase to the max, the slightest decoration makes the viewfinder troll, of course it is effectively played so well and again, sometimes even AA guns in front kills the whole crew !!! , German tanks are superior, they take less time to aim, more precise, better protection.
a cocktail or a flamethrower can kill him, something that on the Germans it is much more difficult to do. the jumbo is formidable against a SD or infantry but it stops there, even an explosion can destroy the tank in indirect fire. your subject looks like a german player who did not understand what american tanks are and how to kill them.
I think your post is more meant as a troll post or you have no idea what you are talking about but lets respond like you are not a troll.
I think that the Jumbo is fine meta wise, its a bit stronger than the pz4 but nowhere overpowered as people say it is. Its a great tank, as is the PZ4H.
Your post makes it look it is a bad tank and that makes you look like someone that is new to the game. There are a lot of posts on the forum that speak about the Jumbo, probably some tips and tricks for you on how to play it. Go have a look
Let me get this straight, the jumbo is unbalanced because you are bad but an entire squad equipped with panzerfaust is balanced? Jesus man.
no need for advice, don’t worry about me, it often happens to me to be first of the game just by using my jumbo, the difference is that I know this tank and its faults, but to say that it must replace the jumbo because it is OP, is a big joke, because it is easily killable.
blah blah blah insert you post about asymmetrical balancing… Literally this panzerfaust/panzershiek solution is the ONLY solution that doesn’t involve the jumbo being removed and doesn’t break the game. Here is your asymmetric gameplay solution…
There is no jumbo sherman god. jerking yourself to the m4a3e2 isnt going to get you brownie points with anyone…
They can add as many strong tanks to the American side as they like if germany gets a proper dedicated anti tank squad with real, actually effective anti tank weapons. THIS would be the correct way to introduce asymmetric gameplay
I’m going to be rude, I’m sorry, but learn to play if you don’t know how to kill a jumbo, a lot of players kill me with pz3 or pz4 against my jumbo even from the front, so this subject of “sniff sniff” Americans are too strong is a big fake !! German players cry on planes, on American tanks, soon you will cry because the players are too good when they play Americans !!!.
Am I complaining about the mentality of German players who cultivate farm spawns? Do I cry when German planes shoot me on the first throw I receive? Do we cry when a good part of the German players in the Normandy countryside have to pay the max level with a bank card to get the pz4 right away? many should ask themselves before saying that the Americans are OP, from the first week of the game’s existence, we came across pz4s everywhere, you liked to kill everyone with your money, now that the American players have unblock the bearings, it comes to complain that the Americans are OP, it’s pathetic.
Like i said, I’ve played everything from BOTH factions.
And just because you know how to kill something doesn’t mean that its easy to do. There is a limit to how far skill can take you. Look at complaints about the fg42. Can I outskill someone who has it using my bolt action rifle squad? sure. How about a whole squad with fg42s? possibly. How about an entire team? not likely. When someone holds more cards than you, you just have to play that much better. The problem with the jumbo is that it doesn’t just hold some cards, it holds all the cards. Can I kill a jumbo? sure. It’s just likely to take 4 squad and cost 2 caps to do it…
You forget this is a combined arms game you shouldn’t be engaging an enemy stronger than yourself by yourself anyways just distract the Jumbo and half infantry hit it from the sides or rear
or flank it and hit its weak points yourself while its busy mowing down infantry… Its heavily armored yes but its much slower than you…
after it is true that from the m8 the farm of the SD was very easy since I discovered that an HE in their turret kills it instant ^^. however german tanks like i said aim faster, move faster and “reload” faster, so if pz players don’t understand that they can have the advantage over a jumbo, it is not a problem of mechanics but of players!
stay in front of a jumbo is pure stupidity, while you have mobility.
And the jumbo cant pen the Panzer 4 frontally with its sad excuse for AP. Seems pretty equal. We can go take for take if you want.
No it doesnt, stop being disingenuous. Its gun is fucking trash and has awful AP. I can go shot for shot with you too and guess what I wont pen your tank frontally either with the shitty AP the jumbo has. Coordinate with your god damn air force and teammates to take out armor you cant handle. Stop trying to make something into something it isnt. Jumbos only dominate when the team fails to coordinate.
Well I guess every time I play the jumbo the team fails to coordinate since i’m always sitting on a win and 200+ kills
The enemy team? Absolutely. You have morons coming to this game from Call of Duty and going for kills instead of playing objectives, why is it hard to believe they refuse to coordinate to take out a tank, it happens constantly. And theres also an issue with the games tracking system on how it tracks assists, so yes, teams fail to play a team game together because everyone wants to be top because you get the most exp for kills. Until they reward team play, people will always do whats best for them. This is a fact.
Asymmetrical balance in weapons not in squad upgrades u moron, u can’t have an entire squad with a panzerfaust, that would be absolutely broken. With all the issues this game has you have chosen to get a jumbo obession because you are a crap player and can’t beat it when other german player can, i will say it as simple as possible, get good and stfu.
crikey you are dumb. I mean whole squad as in 3 or 4 AT men equipped with one, not every damn solider in the squad gets one wtf
I never said i couldn’t kill it, i said it is hard to kill. Hard enough to kill that it will lose you the match if you go after it. What are you supposed to so on normandy coast when that shit is sitting on the ridgeline out of bounds? Same on airfield. Sitting in the tarmac or far right side protected by out of bounds, ANOTHER jumbo, or by rally points. In urban maps you have places to approach from but in open maps its a fucking nightmare to deal with