Replace the M4A3E2 jumbo

Yes lets remove one of the only advantages the US have for something less good that can get one shot easely by pz4 and give German even more advantages. Great idea

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Honestly I dont care about the FG, cool gun shoots really nice. If I shoot faster with a springfield the dude dies. The balance of the game is not out of wack due to rifles or anything that kills one dude at a time. If I get 3 bar squads AI outshoots fg anyways.

If you want stuff changed due to historical accuracy, you do you. I play the game because the game appeals to me and I only want some historical accuracy. If we get some unhistorical stuff within bounds thats fine by me. If you want it to be 100% exact replica of ww 2, more power to you but then I am not the right person to argue about any of that.

wait, so what besides the jumbo is then unfair in your mind?

Honestly, the only thing wrong currently is the combination of planes, tanks, mortars, arty hitting the 2 spawn points around the clock. Due to this counterplay is nearly impossible. So if they do something that planes mortars and arty are less good or require vastly more skill to use. We can all spawn again and play the game.

Appart from all the big explosions I think the rest of it is really well balanced but that is not visible atm due to all the instant dead by explosion.

It negates everything you have leveled your characters for and all the time you put in to train the inf. Everyone dies like a scrub non stop no matter if you have 4 medpacks and a fg42 or a Jumbo tank.

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I get killed in my jumbo all the time. I’ve been killed by all the German tanks in Normandy, bombs from planes, at guns, and mostly blown up by explosive packs.

Its true that the tank is very tough from the front; but I’ve had crew killed and had my turret damaged frontally by pumas, pz IIIs, and I was one-shot killed from the front by a pz IV once.

Sitting in the back of the map sniping from a tank is highly situational and rarely an effective tactic. It can be very annoying if you’re on the receiving end for sure; at least it doesn’t really happen too frequently. I have chased tanks into the Grey zone and blown them up with tnt, so there are counters to the tactic.

Overall I think it is all a matter of finding a better strategy when you are up against a jumbo.

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So you are saying arty is OP and thus germans are OP?

Dude you know both sides can you arty strikes right?

You say Jumbo needs to stay because germans are OP, and THIS is your answer?

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Good luck at penetrating Jumbo from front with Pz IV unless Jumbo crew is so dumb that they drives themselves 20 meters in front of you. Most Jumbos I encounter sit back in distance and while it’s shooting at you it’s physically impossible to hit that weak spot at mid-long range, even if I get green aim marker, sometimes it still misses or at best scenario only kills 2 crewmen while Jumbos usually in this game operate with 5-6 reserve bots. And it’s already too late by then, Pz IV is not that durable to withstand several shots. One solution would be to make it’s frontal weak spot a bit larger . Sturmpistole doesn’t damage it all, at least I never could even kill 1 Jumbo crewmember with it, tried to hit it on different sides and back. I guess my new tactic will be just ignoring them if they camp out of reach.


I had to agree to this, Pz IV is supperior to every USA tank in game except Jumbo. Probably only two M4A2 can defeat one Pz IV H and only if they are flanking. However sometimes I still get rekt by one shot but that’s very rare, probably they just hit some weak spot, are very lucky or it’s a bug in game. However Pz IV from front is still is very vulnerable to PIAT’s, in contrast to Sturmpistole or Pak38 does, as they do asbolutely nothing from front to Jumbo, even from sides it’s imune to Sturmpistole shots or I could just hit sweet spots due charge drop and shitty sights.


Strumpistol can pen it only under the side skirt between track. You can actually one shot it by hitting right behind the middle roadwheel suspension at the bottom - that’s where ammo rack is. Try in Practice. Pulling it off in the battle is of course much harder and kind of unfair as Piat can one shot many german tanks with much less accuracy.


Devs have already confirmed Panther is coming to Normandy. So removing the jumbo would be a really bad idea


You can never balance High End Tank with a Low Tier Tank with new players. Puma will always lose a Jumbo, same with Panzer IV vs Stuart. Unless they flank it and shoot from behind or side


Those are your words, leave them with you and dont put them in my mouth.

:smiley: Yeah, so we need tigers.

i use the jumbo and i can assure you that the sturmpistole can kill crewmember inside the turret same with the pz 4 penetrating the front, worst case scenario you disable a track ang get to the sides but it’s not the insane mismatch people try to make up, most of the german player are just dumb and hit the front plate, u only need a puma on the back and it’s gg

Soo… what are you even saying here?

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What I am saying here is that the biggest problem atm is that everyone dies on spawn by big bombs. Germany has the biggest bombs at the moment so if the bombs get nerfed Germany gets the worst end of the stick and the game balances itself out.

Also way to move your own narative further by posting all my posts but leave your posts in between out of that. This is getting close to a shitpost from your end, can you stop trying to derail the conversation normal people want to have in here?

symmetrical balance…? No, I want general balance. The thing about asymmetric gameplay is there is always a direct counter on the opposite side… does the jumbo have one? no… it does not. Does the jumbo have any drawbacks compared to any other tank? no… it does not. By your logic it would be fine to give USSR T-34 in Moscow campaign… The jumbo is essentially that.

and if you think the Thompson is worse than the smg the germans get, I don’t think its the gun that’s the problem…

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Im curious, whats gonna happen when the devs finally release the Panther into the game, are people gonna say that normandy is finally balanced because americans have jumbo and germany has the panther which has a gun that is actually good. Where do people stop being disingenuous? The Jumbo already has a hard time penning a panzer 4 frontally, to do so, you literally need to get within a distance where the jumbos armor doesnt do anything anyway. The Jumbos AP cant do dick to a Panzer 4 at range. German tanks have a penetration advantage EASILY. If you remove the one defense the allies have against german armor its literally gonna be axis players saying the game is finally balanced.


like I said, half way across the map, over bridges and trenches, and next to rallies and spawn is not an easy “just get to the back” place

Hopefully they wont. They cant. As I said before, “fixing” one broken tank with another broken tank does nothing. But it’s unlikely they will straight up and remove the jumbo because its already in the damn game. The time to remove it is almost long past.

if the jumbo struggles to penetrate german tanks… then why not add a GOOD GUN for the americans to kill them at range?? IE the m10, m4 (76), etc…? what is the logic here? “we don’t have a good gun so we need armor?” so why can it not be “we have a good gun so we don’t need armor”…? Like honestly