Repairing vehicles from the inside

thats very useful.

I suppose 4 times repairing while inside the tanks is ok (especially since you can still move and aim)

But I think 4 times outside the tank per component is a bit much (maybe 3). Just my opinion

So everyone will be just farming repair points non stop, as they driving along with there large back pack full of tools?, while taking more damage ?, so they be repairing non stop?
This is silly

As someone, whom use to run tools on most toons, and done my fair bit of repairing, is crazy to have ability to score so much easy points, from the inside, let alone outside, with splash damage, and trying to repair.

You dont get points if you repair your own tank. You only get points for repairing other friendly tanks


DoH! silly me, thanks for info :stuck_out_tongue:
Phew, lucky i haven’t removed all my tools from most toons yet :smile:

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This don’t stop you to board a friendly tank and start farm point… I think what you pointed out I’s an interesting hole in the net, hoping it don’t become wild spread and forcing nerf the repairs system

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Or they could just swap, if they in a stack,
and also those SS, i have where people have no kills, no deaths, but hundreds of assist, by shooting each others bike, then repairing, or the medics that do same thing with barbed wire out the back of maps.



I saw that too and indeed I fear that it can be exploited by swapping tanks.


You could just use smokes, jump out and hide behind your tank and quickly repair your tank.

With new system, you will still need to run around. Especially if you have destroyed gun barrel or motor. With big tank, it can be very annoying and time wasting for you to reach position from which you can repair it.

I do speak about original system, not this new system just before this change.
This change is just arcade-ish nonsense that feels even worse than original system. Feels like something made for WT playerbase and it’s fkn disgusting.

The system was consistent and it worked. The new one is one big mess, and with new change it is going to be unnecessarily complex for such irrelevant part of the game.
It is hilarious to me we can’t even choose nationality of soldiers because it would be “too complicated and confusing” for new and casual players.
Yet DF eventually is implementing unnecessarily complex stuff like this.
Just wow, I have no words.

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yeah they definitely should lets you recruit the british and the italians, that WOULD be cool, it probably wouldnt even be hard to put in, but i feel like holding F down isnt really a complex maneuver either.

The old original repair was that you look anywhere at the tank and you fix all the parts equally right? i agree that’s an arcade-ish feature, “fix individual components way easier” update was pretty perfect for me, gave the damage models alot less WT influence where you just magically fix the entire tank at once. being able to fix internal components of the tank, from the inside of the tank, feels more real to me, and actually less WT.

but i still dont get how you think NOT having to pop out of your tank to fix the elevation and rotation of the tank, when youre CLOSER to the infantry is detrimental to close range tank support, again you will still have to leave the tank and throw the smoke down to fix the cannon, the tracks, the engine(and put the fires out), and the transmission, this just lets you fix the turret so you dont become a worse SPG and fall victim to groups of infantry and armor that’s still threatening you, all this does is give more options to proactive tankers

I honestly don’t care that you don’t get it. I’ve written it here several times and I won’t repeat myself yet again.

That’s not even what I have said. But whatever.


No, there are more serious stuff do fix, this should not have priority.

was isolating our convo to just ours to give you the benefit of the doubt, all your other replies to the other guy show you dont have any clue what most players want, so maybe you could sell me your own narrative on what you want, instead you do this “oh the exact thing i said to you last message? i never said that lol your are so stupid buddy” nonsense, you say you got this tank experience, then say you “dont play tanks much”, what??? its important to use this forum to tell devs why you dont like these changes, youre an older player, youve experienced the older system, this is closer to the original system in atleast 1 or 2 ways, how is this a negative change on the game? its good input to hear and discussion like this is important to the devs, not me

if you wanna fix the game you have to give suggestions, is the newer system to difficult for you? or too easy? i like to discuss, not argue, but you get into this sulky lame space where you decide to be all moody for whatever reason, id like to come back to common ground after saying this, or just end the discussion, but i need to write this in hopes you see it

finish writing your response next time man, like actually putting thought into what you say? nothing of any substance to your words

second edit for flair

Pretty bizarre ngl.

  1. I’m not some spokesman for the community. I’m just literally sharing my opinions to news. So I don’t understand what kind of shit you’re talking here.
  2. When someone runs out of arguments, they start with that classic “but more people are on my side” even though they have no solid basis for it.

Btw. It’s not my fault you came late to this discussion. I will not be spamming and repeating myself indefinitely.
“Isolating convo” in public discussion in news topic, wow

Wtf is even that? I don’t care about your opinion. Why should I? So I don’t see why I should need to onvince you of anything. I literally have no idea who you are.
Maybe you, on the other hand, could respect that I have a different opinion.

Sorry, but I’m not even gonna read any further. It’s getting to be an incredibly off topic and irrelevant discussion. I have made my opinion known and I stand by it. Deal with it.

I doubt they’ll ditch the new system and replace it with the old one. So I really don’t know what your point is.

My point was, I liked the old one better. And I find these changes completely unnecessary and far too complex for how irrelevant the repair system is to the ground vehicles.

If you like the new system, great. Good for you, whatever.

@Adamnpee @PartyHatDogger
If the two of you have problems with each other, go vent elsewhere if you’re not able to argue without getting heated, This is not the place for this type of conversation, if you really feel the need to continue and go further use a private message


I’ve literally said I don’t want to participate in discussion with him.

Yeah, of course it’s a satire. This mechanism is enough to make two-thirds of the world’s mechanics consider themselves clowns.

You know what’s funny? The patch has been out for over a month now. But nobody has noticed that you can repair the tanks from the inside. But you can no longer heal your crewmembers from inside the tank. Did the developers run out of desire/skill to add this to the interaction menu? Or is it now intentional that you have to disembark to do this? It would also be nice to be able to switch to all crew members to heal them.

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