Repairing vehicles from the inside

they announced this change when the system was first released tho; said it would be a feature in the future. So “no damage control” really. Also think this update enhances this newer repair system.

So in the bigger picture, I would argue it was worth it to waste resources on this since I like this repair system way more than the old one.

I rarely play tanks, however, and if I would be completely egoistic I would like them to focus on something else. But this game is bigger than me, why I’m happy about it.


Wut? I don’t see how different it is from original system. Crew always had to leave the vehicle and repair it from outside. Thus player was unable to use vehicle for that period of time.
Literally the outcome is same, we just have way more complex system which was completely unnecessary.

Just waste of time development resources. Why they couldn’t fix customization instead?
Why was original repair system such a huge issue in comparison to customization so they had to come up with such complex solution like this.

They do have extremely weird priorities.

But whatever, I really just don’t care. It’s just bizarre and I don’t understand it.

Btw. I don’t even believe this new repair system was intended nerf to tanks. That’s how highly I rate their competence.

Well, I play tanks a lot. And I think this system was completely unnecessary and just a waste of everything (time and resources). Basically, it doesn’t change anything.
And there are so many things that could have been addressed instead.


It’s quite obvious it will increase the survivability.

Just reverse and fix your breach or turret ring without being exposed and killed by ultra-aggressive infantry.

Even though I personally don’t like the fact the tankers will get stronger, but this will definitely increase the chances for, let say, a KT-player to prolong his existence.


No, it doesn’t. It basically only affects turret related things.

You can repair motor, you cant repair tracks. You will as easy stationary target. But you can at least continue to be threat.

Basically supports camping playstyle and making it even more toxic.

But I guess that’s “survivability” from your perspective.

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But it won’t give any advantages to grey zone campers lol.

Only to aggressive tankers. So, wrong.

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Complete opposite lol. It is obvious you dont play tanks much.

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How can it benefit grey zone campers who just can leave their vehicle exposed without any nearby threats?
These changes are indifferent to this group of players.

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Imo it doesn’t give an advantage to anyone since most of the time tanks either die from one hit or are too crippled to continue fighting (and probably die from the 2nd shot).
Tank with penetrated armor is a dead tank in 80% of cases.

If you can’t move near the enemy, you’re basically dead. You can expect an EP in a few moments.

Being able to use the turret and fire back doesn’t change that. You’ll still die pretty soon.

Whereas campers who have no need to move can stay in their tank 24/7. And their crew will have zero chance of dying from an accidental HE explosion while repairing the tank.

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For a person that don’t use any tanks, this is irrelevant and looks like more trouble than solution, more knowing how well implemented are the “new mechanics”.

On the other side, why don’t you let me fix my plane? I do understand that the game has more premium tanks than anything else and money gives the orders there, but c’mon.

Something happning!

I would rather call this “another great step towards realistic”.

I wouldn’t say it’s realistic. Quite the opposite actually.


I’m glad you can now repair turret-related items from inside the tank.
Now you can fight without having to keep running away when the main gun is destroyed by an enemy tank.

This makes a lot of sense, such a lovely change to come :slight_smile:

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nice!!! might actually get a chance to use my tools now lolol

Define stationary.

When tank wobbles on train tracks is it considered stationary?


And risking getting sniped

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I agree with this statement. The entire point of the module repair system was to force tank crews to have to put themselves at risk to repair modules. Now they can stay in the back and repair their gun breech from the safety of their tin can instead of getting out and being open to infantry or stray HE. I guess logically it makes sense, but it’s still a buff to camping tanks and an unintended nerf to infantry, who now have much shorter windows to deal with a tank that has a breech broken

And you know something’s not a great idea when Adam and I agree on something LMAO

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