Render Distance, Expansion of the collision onto other objects & Color Parameter - Mod Editor

greetings. today i would like to make a thread regarding a couple of additions that i would love to see for the editor in order to make modders life, a bit easier and their work a bit faster.

those are “simple” additions that i thought and personally needed due to few issues which i encountered.

without ado, let’s start with:

Render Distance Parameter.

so, what i’m trying to accomplish here, is to give or set a parameter of which the object ( both rendinsts, & non ( such as vehicles, AIs, weapons, etc ) can be seen from which distance or priority.

because currently, we have an issue where over the distance, objects completely disappears or fade away:

which can cause gameplay issue for players.
like, if a player decide to pick a sniper rifle or something and shoot to players or bot standing on the tower, they are not able to to see what they are hiding behind, or having in front of them.

they simply cannot hit them and don’t understand why until they get closer. which might cause understandable frustation.

so, my suggestion, is to add a render distance parameter. and with that parameter, modders can decide at which distance objects can be seen.

the second parameter that i wanted to address, is

Expansion of the collision parameter onto others objects as well.

this one, it’s more of a request of being able to apply collision parameters onto others objects as well.
an example would be, being able to make vehicles without collisions. ( mostly great for races without having issues of collisions between players ) or another example, is being able to remove collisions from anti tank guns and make weaponized vehicle variants:

in this example, i want to put the anti tank gun on top and attached to the halftrack. in order to make an AT variant. or as another example: an AA halftrack varient.

problem is, in both cases the vehicle starts glitching as the collisions starts to kick in ( as we used to with the reindinst: )

which makes them unusable.

and last parameter for today:

Color Parameter

now, the color parameter i know technically can be achieved through a few template fixes and such, but it’s quite time consuming. and does not work for all objects ( such as weapons, rendinst or vehicles ).

so, what modders would like to see, it’s a simple RGB parameter on which we can select insert the value of the color and upon save or restart, the editor will apply that said color to the weapon/vehicle/reindinst house etc.

because currently, the only way for us to change color of reindinsts is through shaders. which it’s not really a reliable way as you cannot chose the exact color.

another way for example to chose colors of vehicles, was found by @tommyZZM but. the problem in that, is that in multiplayer/custom games the entities.blk does not get saved. ( and wasn’t an RGB either )

overhall “simple” changes and parameters which would greatly help us to make mods a bit more efficently, and faster. thanks for hearing me out.
and that is it for me.