Remove the neccesity of spending 6 perk points on tier 1 perks

As you all already know, to access all tier 2 and 3 perks you must first spend 6 points on any tier 1 perks.
Why is that? What is the purpose of this mechanic? There was no such thing before the merge. Which means my pre-merge troops could have obtain far better perk combination, since they weren’t forced to spend 6 points on something I don’t need or want.

Please remove this mechanic. It is not user friendly, you are just forcing people to put points somewhere they don’t want to.
In my eyes, it’s just completely unnecessary cause of frustration.


Idk, perhaps theyr attempting to make notable differency between lvl 1 / lvl 4 assaulters for example.
Since in previous system the only differency between them pretty much was the “starter” perk, with bit of luck you could get enough points for the recoil reduction & vitality even for lvl1 assaulters.
Higher levels kind of guaranteed enough points for both, infact often had even spare points that could not be used.

Its bit weird the new system but so far got all the perks needed.

I found it a bit weird, that some of my toons are now -1 point, lol

No thanks. We don’t need to make it easier to obtain meta perk builds.

If you want to remove this, make soldiers have BR so new players don’t have to face tier 5 demigods.


Imagine being so insecure about 6 perk points. That’s definitely the most horrific thing in the matter of low BR seal clubbing.

Just remove all perks for low BRs. Newbies do have plenty stuff to care. Perks are unnecessarily complex for them.
I could care less about perks on low BRa.

Definitely not a good counter argument for my suggestion. Because veteran vs newbies balance on low BRs is a completely different issue. Not including just perks, that’s a tiny little nugget in big sea.


Ah yes, “you can’t stop the cheaters so remove the anticheat” approach. Compltely not idiotic.

I guess it would be good idea for BR1 if it gets its own queue.

Wut? That’s not what I have said.

I just don’t see reason why veterans and the end game overall should suffer at the expense of the guys who don’t want to leave low BR, where they constantly want to play against rookies because they are afraid of any higher challenge.

If you are scared of perks on low BRs, just block all perks there, make them non functional there. I couldn’t care less.


not wanting to offend, any

Not really fair to maps being BR locked.

been saying this for 2 weeks, but no, they say.
Just fracking amazing we go from 2.4 mill to 500k players base, and we /all talk of new people, but, never retain them. why

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That’s exactly what you’ve said.

= low BR players suffering doesn’t matter because they already suffer

I don’t see a reason why low BR players should suffer more because some vets can’t cope with 6 perk points they had to spend on not meta skills.

Totally agree with this!!! It especially affects airplane pilots. Moreover - the new system only makes strong soldiers who got their abilities before the update!!! So they just need to remove the requirements. And balance the imbosity of certain abilities by their price, not by a certain number of “mandatory points”

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So because of this limitation they suffer from veterans using old fighters with better perks. It would be better to give them the same opportunities

The best would be to make soldiers have BR. Then low BR will be safe from whatever meta shit high BR does.

A rookie won’t be able to put together such a set of abilities, unlike a veteran who has already done so.


Hypocrisy. You’re already playing against the newbies on low BRs. I doubt they’re good at the perks. But I’m sure you know which perks are good.

But somehow you’re afraid of more hardcore players than you are.
But if you do it on a smaller scale, that’s fine.

Nope, I have said it is not good counter argument.

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I’ll just use old first dash fighters who already have the abilities they need and
don’t need to spend 6 points on garbage.

In your delusional concern for the newcomers, you forget about the newcomers themselves.

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And you are the first to oppress them at the first ranks and you yourself don’t want to see q/e and stuff. You’re just afraid of strong players and don’t let nubs become on the same level as veterans with such suggestions.

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It’s the newbies that suffer from this restriction, veterans already have soldiers who didn’t spend 6 points on trash perks at all


Literally a 10min video on YT “enlisted - best perks” and they have knowledge equal to mine.

I’m not afraid but I don’t like them.
And my “agenda” is to make BR MM work. AKA give newbies equal chances when it comes to equipment = BR for soldiers.

By using poor counter argument.

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OK. But still BR for soldiers is a must.
(Filthy exploits.)

Are you serious? Because in that case, everyone would have meta perks on low BRs by now.


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