REMOVE ANTI PERSONEL MINES or atleast heavily nerf them

This game is based in ww2 not historically ww2, they could add something like that in the game because it STILL IS A GAME after all not a documentary on the horrors of ww2

Like I said, good luck sweeping the zone, and I hope you don’t mind the enemy unload their SMG on you while you doing so

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Make the game slower than maybe I’ll agree with you because currently this game is too fast pace so we need it to slow them down

it can be a backpack beeping you know? with a 1-2 metre radius

that is why mines are bad for the game in my oppinion.

Also don’t mind the Enemy also can hear that like your rally

bro the enemy already knows i’m on the point because of the little icon above your screen

This game is not supposed to be more fast-paced we’re meant to have two to one hour battles we’re not supposed to be copying cod here

Also you know how a metal detector work don’t you? You need to hoover that thing above the metallic stuff to start beeping or close enough to start doing so, now, how you get close to a mine in this game without triggering them?

i know how a metal detector works i played company of heroes 2, that is where the idea came from in the first place

You know in that game they outright disable the mine automatically? And is exclusive to Engineer class?

yeah the same should be here, having the mines to be an enqineer building and limit it to one per engi squad

because people no longer use the engineer since you can build rally points with engineers from other squads

well, ability to see mines if you’re being careful isn’t a push for fast gameplay, I am towards slow gameplay and I will push this idea other ways,

no matter if a game is slow or fast paced, if I can’t physically see mine I am looking for there’s something wrong, perception through the monitor might be too narrow to see everything clearly, so e.g. that’s why we have nade icon as I already mentioned. small things are pretty much impossible to spot in games.

they could make the mine have a delay and use the grenade icon to show you where it is, your squad will still die but you might get a chance to do something

Rather than nerfing mines, clear them with grenades before entering buildings, and be careful when walking in areas where there may be mines. That’s all you need. We shouldn’t take away fun toys from people just because some people can’t handle it.


When fast pace lunatics are no longer a problem I could agree with you but right now we need them at end game as well and I’m not sure if you noticed it yet or not but if you ever seen a Rifleman squad for the Americans all equipped with M2 carbines and impact grenades you’ll need it to counter that madness

same with the germans, they now have a semi auto rifle at br 2 and spam impact grenades, the soviets don’t have either soo low br you get impact spam and high br you get ap mine spam

High BR is where we need mines to be the deadliest to hold them back otherwise you have quick matches

the only problem with that is not all players are seating at the game, 9 times out of 10 you will be the only one carrying the team, the br 3 players will get skull fucked by them and the enemies and all you will ever do is die to the mine or get picked one of the 5 players on the point

my problem with ap mines is that they encourage you to spam them and leave the point

the only way you could have mines be ballanced is by having them be placed by engineer squads and only one per player as the hmgs and the at gun

Slow the game down change the mechanics of how everything is done then I could probably agree with you but we both know that’s not gonna happen and when it comes to this community they only choose the worst options because I don’t know if you’ve heard about it yet but the Americans have done some really messed up things since the merge plain cycling nasty stuff