REMOVE ANTI PERSONEL MINES or atleast heavily nerf them

They should remove Anti personel mines from the game completly or heavoy nerf them.

Ap mines don’t go well with Enlisted as a whole, there is just soo much chaos in the average game to even think about them when pushing a point that has 10 enemies on it.

Most of the games the you can’t attack the point because there are soo many ap mines, it makes it impossible to win the game.

You can’t shoot them on the stairs without dying and are almost impossible to see, most of the time they sink into the ground and can be placed on rally points.

At least make it so there is a delay to the explosion and their placement destroys the rally point because only the scum of the earth place mines on enemy rally points. And make explosions detonate them if they are in close proximity to the explosion.

Ap mines are just not fun to fight against and reward people that are willing to spam them on the point and go afk for the rest of the game.


No the scum of the earth lean spam

AP mines are just BM and covering your flanks


No, buff then. Any time they are tripped a nuke goes off, kills everyone and ends the game


What flank are you covering when you PUT IT ON THE ENEMY RALLY POINT?


Oh that’s just BM and is funny

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toxic strategy to kill as many as you can, works perfectly, I am a mine person as a support player I use a lot of them for protect the defense areas, so, I will do whatever is needed


i thought mine dont stack tho? or do they have a limit now?

i thought it was 1 (active) per squad if so then im definitely planting mine where people wont expect

The game is too fast pace already we need mine to slow it down

literally that’s how I do it, I fill the areas with mines by squad and thus make any crazy person who tries to enter without looking explode

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so it can be place more than 1 wow all this time i have been misinform

misinformation is going crazy in this day and age man

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I am a tenacious defender, I love to make sure it is DIFFICULT for them to enter the areas I am trying to protect, but only from the side the enemy is coming from, including possible flanking routes


yea now that i know i can have more than 1 mine active im definitely gonna place them in place people like to go

tip from an explosives nut, make sure they are hard to see, as certain factions have mines that are easier to see

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im sure they wont expect a mine in a grass

I do, that’s why I always place in different spots for make it be hard,lol

You also know you can put an anti tank mine in there as well to wipe out the entire room

yea i do that it a good strat

And to all the fast-paced lunatics use a grenade that clears the room don’t run into it just frag it

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really? soviet mine are quite hard to see in the grass imo

I mean the real way to use an AP mine to punish the enemy Rally? Dude that’s the fun of it

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