REMOVE ANTI PERSONEL MINES or atleast heavily nerf them

That’s what they get for leaving the rally point in a bad location


Every soldier being able to plant them is kinda the real problem.

Its funny that I never use mines despite their effectiveness, I do consider myself a Meta player and a “min- maxer”, still planting them is pretty boring.

Mines are pretty annoying to deal with in general. Some change would be welcome, but I have no opinion on mines besides that I don’t like them.

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the mine warning icon should display unless you’re sprinting, it would be fair enough imo that not running players would get to react before being blown up, after all, this is why we see grenade icons, they’re hard to see through ours monitors, you can miss an AP mine even if you’re actively looking for them! that’s insane! it happen to me so many times, because i just expect them to be near rally points and i still can’t avoid them, it’s really annnnnoying,

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i have never seen an enemy mine icon before tbh

probably cause i was running even tho i swear from one of my memory i saw one and the icon didnt appear

that’s because there’s none.

and i say there should be. for players that aren’t sprinting.

can’t see how that would be unfair, if you’re sprinting thus not paying attention to surroudings you’ll get blow up. simple.

oh you said should i read it wrong sorry it my fault

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Why? That defeat its purpose, this is not CoD dude


In fact, the mines a few moments before exploding have a “symbol” that flashes between red and white and then detonates, giving a slight warning to those around them, allowing you to move away, but you must be very quick, unfortunately the that the floor is condemned, but not so those around


Mines should punish those bad rallies and Zerg rush players


the problem is that you can miss AP mine even if you’re actively seeking for it, they’re just too small and they blend in too much.

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When you dies from one, your awareness should be 200%, and if you keep dying from it in the same building or place, is just a you issue tbh…


I said they blend too much, I just don’t believe you that you see them with no problem at this point. people who praise AP mines in reality praise pretty much incounterable thing. people take care to put them in pretty messy areas so you can’t tell they’re there

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Because they are supposed to blend in? Those things are nasty to deal with even in modern day, and Enlisted pretty much handhold you by revealing actually too much of them

Cuz the usual way to see those thing IRL are someone step on them or being one who mined them, and even those guys can miss them

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I just don’t understand the 200% awareness part for the AP mines sometimes pretty impossible to spot.

we can argue forever, imo there should be some compromise such as when a soldier sprints AP mine won’t be displayed and a soldier crouching will see ap mine icon or something like that, it’s a game.

Or have a metal detector, which actually was used in ww2, the problem in modern day is that mines used in afganistan were made out of plastic, in ww2 mines were not made with plastic.

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When you step on one and dies, your reaction should be" aw shite this place has mine", and proceeds carefully every place you move around that zone, specially doorways and hallways, but if you still being crueless and rushing into that place and expext not stepping another, sorry, that’s a you issue


They could add a metal detector backpack that tells you if you are close to mines

Funny the metal detector will trigger by any metallic stuff, can be a spoon, a metallic fragment from explosive, a coin, anything, thats why even nastier minefield are mined with duds to confuse their enemy, one of the most common method used by Chinese Guerrillas in Mainland China and the Japs in Pacific, also the Germans in Western front arond Hurtgen Forrest and Sigfried line

But hey good luck ingame, pretty sure the enemy will kindly wait you to sweep the zone with the detector than shooting you the moment they see you

I had moments when I expected anti-personnel landmines even before I was blown off, e.g. at rally points they are often there, even when I am looking for them, expecting them, I still die from them, I don’t know how many million percent I should be aware according to you, perhaps I should give up having fun and seeking them with a loupe, in my opinion they are too hard to see and thats it, and I’m done talking to you because I see that you are pushing issues at me very strongly

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@Lisqs stop asking to make Seeing mines easier unless this game is slower there’s no reason to make it easier to spot mines so push this game to be slower and less fast pace and maybe more people agree with you