šŸ† Reinforcements received: Victory day

Is it?

I differenciate between each and every situations.

The event, is the event. Stalingrad access is Stalingrad access. Different things.

This event is generous and frankly 100% positive. We get a ton of freebies in exchange for playing time (populating servers). A very good deal, win win scenario for both devs AND playerbase, which is something I will ALWAYS support.

As for Stalingrad FA, issue got a good outcome, we got something out of it, I take it as a win.

2 separate things. Again, learn when to settle, youā€™ll burn yourself.


Damn shame I canā€™t play :confused:
Finally an event Iā€™m interested in.


It will be usable across entire nation of Soviets and Germany so def not stupid.


People making content for the events are different part of their dev team, 3d modelers and animators are not the same as monetization and pr staff, they have planned multiple events this year thatā€™s why they are pumping them with very small delay. They had those vehicles in editor for a while, they just refined them a bit more and released in form of event. Thatā€™s all no conspiracy there, you should complain more in previous topic.

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Are the new AA vehicles the new vehicles that the roadmap mentioned?

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No, AA vehicle is already in game, they are not the ā€œnew type of ground vehicleā€ mentioned in the road map.
Also, it is on the 4th part of the road map, the upcoming part is only the second part.

Yeah that makes sense.

I want that too.

And the soviet at gun on the t70

Nope because we had them with Pacific. They are just another iteration of same concept. Now i want AA gun on a panther hull


I realized that after I asked the question.
Stupid me.

it is non stop events since some month and half ago, maybe 2ā€¦ i lost countā€¦

Good strategy to increase the daily number of active players.

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What could the new type of ground vehicle be though? We already have SPAA, heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, and tank destroyers. Maybe APCs?

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I personally hope so. WITH BIGGER PLAYING FIELD.

To the point we are now, I would not be surprised if those would work exactly like in H&G and act as mobile rally points. It wouldnā€™t be crazier than troops popping on top of a radio.

We already have paras that come with enormous weaponry crates, rally point half track isnā€™t too far fetched all things considered.

That, or mobile ammunition resupply points? That maybe resupply grenades like in practice room (ok this, I HOPE NOT)? Mobile med pack crate?

They can make many things with those.


HalfTracks i think there are few in editor already. Maybe they could add also one without a turret but a single mg it could also be used as mobile spawn point.


Yeah i noticed we have ā€œReinforcements receivedā€ every months from February i think. Its good strategy to keep up numgers as someone already said, and i have to say i like pretty much every squad i got from these events.

Iā€™m just going off how utterly AIDS it can be in WT on top of hating German mains on top of its production run

Event vehicle maybe
Maybe premium
Not Techtree tho


It sounds like you havenā€™t been around long enough to recognize these things. You think itā€™s a ā€œcoincidenceā€ that all of these so-called ā€œgood thingsā€ are happening right after a very a ā€œbad thing.ā€ Look at everybodyā€™s attitude in this post compared to yesterday. A complete 180. Iā€™d say the strategy worked quite well!

You need to look at the big picture: See my previous post!

No need:

I already know all of it.

But I also know, that 6 slots, SIX SLOTS, not 3, 6! (Because each faction will have their own, now) is really good. 6 slots, is also worth more than 30$, with their current prices.

Which means, we won something worthwhile, itā€™s possibly the best possible outcome there is.

I merely expected worthless decorators, posters or cosmetics. 6 slots is worth more.

Our ā€œnegotiationā€ succeeded.

Even if the timing was perfect: a very bad news disguised as a good one, followed the next day by a very, very generous event.

Take the win. Itā€™s as good as it gets.

I just hope we wonā€™t have to ā€œoutrageā€ like this anytime soon, itā€™s becoming redundant.