Reinforcements received: Normandy paratroopers

Since the beginning of this year, I have lost 5 kg of weight every month.
I went for a diagnosis today and no disease was found.
“what on earth is happening?” to the doctor say.
I think this is due to the grueling marathon DF is giving us every month. I am already exhausted.
You can start a new event every month, but really give us a couple of months for one event. Please allow us to have several events going on at the same time, I’m sure we would have more participants that way.


I m a level 2 assaulter now:)

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the A it’s the for application of the newly formed testing team. the one that was through applications of few months back.

these people will be the ones that will be helping to test stuff ahead ( earlier ) compared to the rest.

therefore, most likely, improve the quality of updates that will drop. as those will be tested properly before release to these people.

Queromish ( the developer ) told that there will be others applications in the future.


Topic Cleared - please stay on topic and respect the Forum rules


why mg only para squad instead of giving them sten mkV or patchett machine carbine (proto-sterling)? that vickers k was more raf guards/sas/commando weapon anyway. though ofc still not as stupid as US paras without helmets with 100rnd drum thompsons…

Ah, that’s a good thing then. Nobody can really be upset about better quality.

Didn’t you apply for the position as well back then? You always seem to mod stuff, they could’ve used your help :thinking:

Indeed :+1:

i did, and i got accepted.

but i had to refuse/decline because my working shift hours in real life changed. and therefore, i couldn’t have been up for the hours that i filled in the applications.

wouldn’t be professional of me to show up in total different hours others than the one enstablished.

and as my time is kinda reduced, i’d like it to spend on the editor and do occasionaly daily tasks instead.

which, unfortunately, would lead to me with no time for aid in the quest of testing.


No update in June and no Steam Release in July
message recerived


I’m sure we will see those guns in the future anyway


There’s really nothing to cling to here. After 1941, the Americans began to recruit Afro Americans into the regular army.
Because once they had to make up for losses, two because they had to increase the size of the army, and a few blacks proved their usefulness in battle. Especially the cook on one of the ships during the attack on pearl harbor.
There were also blacks in the French army and even in the British one.

Even the Germans had ss units composed only of blacks.

As for the event, it’s nice, but now the Americans will have three airborne units.
I thought that on June 6, some kind of churchill crocodile or other specialized equipment would be available.

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Thanks for content, they look great, but British Paras would use Sten guns, not a whole squad of lmgs, think the balance is off there somehow.

All these events are getting tiring, I enjoy enlisted and playing with clan, but now I’m only on for 10k then play something else, due to burnout…


However, as far as I know, in the 1940s the US Military divided the blacks and whites into different squad.
I think we had to wait for Executive Order 9981 issued by Truman in 1948 for mixed black and white units to appear in the US.
Well, in this case, it is the British Paratroops. I know nothing about the British Army, but was it not unusual for blacks and whites to be in the same unit in the British Army since WW2?

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I feel the same way.
I think it is not good to have daily quotas. I have to play games even on days I don’t want to, and then it starts to feel like homework or work, and I don’t enjoy it as much.


The thing is devs will say just skip a day, honestly I think the events could just be based on score and you should be able to have 2 sleepless days / nights to do it if you really want to, but not 16d each day commit to play, we all know that we all can skip a few days, thing is we don’t, because our buddies are getting Paras or vehicles the day they are available and we all don’t want to wait if we can absolutely help it…


The problem is, on this picture are the same sights we have in the game now.



Damn, no matter how much I complain, in the end I can’t resist the desire to add a British Paratrooper to my collection.
I will be devoting all my entertainment time to Enlisted this month as well.


Oh I see, from the picture someone showed of it in game it looked different. I could say maybe they could adjust it like they did the M1 Carbine sights or we just see how it is when it’s released. I kind of prefer it being close to accurate of its ground role

Maybe it’s not as bad as it seems. I want to at least try it out first

They were not integrated units on the battlefield. Desegregation of the US Armed Forces was enacted in 1948.

Edit: After looking up the unit, it’s part of the UK, so at least that’s good. They did not enforce segregation, though I wonder how the voice actor will sound since I don’t think we’ve had a black soldier from a commonwealth nation yet in game

this is what was expected from such a nice game thanks devs

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It’s a free British weapon/ squad(?) for current normandy!

A must have imo.