Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

its fine, thanks for the info man

Speaking of ARs can we get a buff for the STG45 (450 ROF which is lower than MP40 at BR2) i haven’t really used that squad in a long time since Kiraly 43M or free Assaulter squads are way better, hell even MG42 Early and Polish BAR can work better than that thing. If you don’t want to increase ROF could you at least buff it’s dmg to be something in between of STG44 and Fedorov.


I think you’re better off asking for an event squad slot to put that squad into

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Same here… i thought i could have fun grinding the event with the new squads equipped as i wanted the gold orders too

but now it is barely attractive to play, as i have to instead of enjoying the grind with new content, i have to do the event with the common squads like i always do… not really motivating to play, therefore i wont.


I don’t have anything to spend gold orders on so it’s an Event Boycott for me. I will still be playing but not every day and definitely won’t be forcing myself to get 20k per 2 days.


Nice stuff also some stuff other than these


Event logic:

New squads to play + rewards to unlock = fun
=> playing the event

Nothing + rewards to unlock which you will mostly get anyways = no fun
=> not playing the event

I do not understand why they chose the second option…


They hate fun they are ex-Gaijin devs and they really hate fun that’s why they are making their events more miserable each year in the WT and in Enlisted they don’t care about their paying customers.


I’m definitely on for this event, and will grind for the assault engineer squads.

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To be honest, it does not really feel that it was just “changed”

You guys basically took the entire fun out of the event for the stalingrad access pack owners.


Dang. Sucks for you guys

Honestly, I was never happy with how FA players were treat. Like we got some exclusive stuff, which was cool. However we wouldn’t be able to purchase anympre after getting them. Like I would still like ti be able to purchase Breda nodel 20s or MP 717(r). Like i’m pretty sure the Stalingrad squads don’y keep their exclusive XP bonus. They should’ve given us unique squads with prototype weapons or something on top of this event.


I don’t think anyone here annoys VaultCat AS MUCH as parrot.

@Greyparrots I think you’re the only one who managed to get into arguments with her to date :laughing:


I never bought the Stalingrad DLC and never unlocked everything in that campaign either.

I have a question about the Stalingrad Engineers with StG/ARs though directed at players that did buy the Stalingrad DLC and unlocked the engineers in that campaign.

Were ALL the engineers in the Stalingrad campaign able to use StG/ARs before the vaunted “rework of 2023” was rolled out?

i know right? i would have literally spend most of my order on mp717 if i had known that merge is going to happen on that day


we are probably witnessing history today

anyway didnt know eutymia was a girl (altho i guess it obvious if i take a second to think about it)

Aaah. Captured ppsh41. I’ve got somewhere around 25 to 30, max stars, and don’t really know what to do with. I could give them to my tankers, but…

My tankers always “go down with the ship”. I rarely bail out… so arming them felt unnecessary :confused:

Perhaps with cleaner br, someday.


Yes, all engineers were able to use ARs in Stalingrad campaign. Meaning, even outside engineer squads.

BUT Mkb was the only AR accessible in that campaign.

Only paying players can get it for free

Not like the idea of Engineers with Assault weapons, they should be reserved for Assaulters.
Engineers supposed to kick back and build fortifications support team, not assault… idk

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