Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!

It was a twitch drop: Twitch Drop gifts for the holidays! - News - Enlisted


Yeah true. Thx

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Yes the game has deviated from its original vision, but that was a long time ago

I have no problem with prototypes and experimental things whatsoever. As long as it’s from the WW2 it’s perfectly fine. My one standard (and this goes hand in hand with my BR overhaul dream) is that every single thing is “historical” in that it appears in the period it was made. If it was made in 1944 I don’t want to see it in 1943. Or if it was used in 1941, why can I only use in 1945 Berlin (AVS). You get the idea

Volkssturm weapons should only be in 1945 maps, not Moscow and Tunisia, etc etc


All you have to do to confirm anything I said is read literally any of the transcripts of the August 14th meeting, but that would require you to actually learn to read Japanese or have someone who speaks Japanese now, wouldn’t it. Instead, let me paraphrase the at the time Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo who was with Emperor Hirohito before and during the meeting when he said that it was the bombs that were on Hirohito’s mind. If you actually looked at any of the material around this case, you will quickly find that everything I said is true, but somehow I am the one living in a fairy tail.

Please actually do some research into a given topic before you open your mouth on the internet in the future lest you make a fool of yourself again.


Really a nice event with many nice rewards and it is a feasible requirement I hope to see more events full of content like this it could also be a good opportunity to present old past rewards

Good job !

Virgin War Thunder: you have to score 35000 points 6 times to receive a yak-3 copy and paste with a writing
grind slave grind !

CHAD enlisted: Bro you have to score 20000 points per stage and you will receive 4 weapons, 2 vehicles, a golden order and a portrait!
have fun !

I love enlisted events

I only have two criticisms

  • I would have preferred to see vehicle squads at least for the Whirlwind Mk. The 263rd or 137th Squadron would have made these rewards more unique and more sensible than flying a British plane on an American squad.

  • I understand that this is an event for the allies so I will turn a blind eye to yet another Russian reward (I think the fourth) since December but please after this for the love of God no more Russians! give us more like the Japanese who haven’t seen anything for ages or even the Italians who have only seen a single squad event since they were released with Tunisia!
    English would also be welcome or better yet try something new like French, Hungarians, Romanians etc

seeing Russians all the time is not only getting boring but also ridiculous in my opinion


In terms of events and battlepass, Enlisted is completely superior. Yes, you can make money with WT but for the people that just want to play and unlock stuff WT is the worst grind.


yea that why i left it in the first place tbh

I think that DF concluded that more event squads would just make managing squads more difficult and increase vehicle spam.


whether they want it or not it is inevitable that in the future we will have too many squads to manage the game needs content to survive and this also includes new squads perhaps separating them by nations the selection could alleviate the situation at least for Germany and America


Having many squads isn’t the issue. Not good enough UI is the issue.
But since implementation of “sell legacy squad button”, I have no hope they’ll ever address it.


Possibly the worst among the (few) blatant scams in the game.


The funny thing is that they could have spared themselves of this whole controversy if they had given people the option to buy the squads back for like 50k each.


Japanas don’t really need any event since their online already good.

And consider the fact that there are epic battles of tiger ii vs is2 in the great stalingrad. I think this is more serious problem than volksturm gewehr since there is no excuse like game balancing that can be come up with for the volksturm gewehr

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I still wish we could get Breakthrough back, at least to break up the constant chain of Reinforcements Received Format.

Make it 2500 per reward, indefinite rewards, with point thresholds for main rewards. Its the best way, IMO


Double it up with the P51-D5 as your second vehicle squad

I don’t understand why people have trouble with “too many” squads. If you have a squad you don’t want to deal with, strip all weapons from the entire squad and give them BR1 weapons. Now order all of your BR1 squads at the bottom of your squad list. Take the squads that you want in your management list and make sure they are at least BR2. Now you can pretty easily tell which ones you’re managing and which ones you’re wanting to be out of sight/out of mind.

I tend not to worry about squad management. I have “my guys” that I reassign squad to squad and move them around as I need to level squads up. It was kind of fun to put the core of my original Assault squad from Normandy back together for first time in 6 months.

I personally want MORE squads with MORE options. An infantry squad with the squad perks to put a sniper, mg, assaulter, radio, and engineer in the same squad without having to choose one over the other would be great.


As i already said f2p players get only 1 slot and they will probably choose p51 over whirwind

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You can make different BR3 preset, for example full British one.

There’s fun in playing exactly the same thing over and over again.


This is good event i like both of those “main” rewards, but this is getting ridiculous event after another in short time… :yawning_face: