Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!

Help them cope? MP41 > MP717 Imho.

can we get on the last day 2 MP41 for the idiots German mains (like me) that will play the entire event and had no real content since months?


The BRITISH Whirlwind will have a BRITISH squad correct, or at least placed in a BRITISH squad right

Literally just make it so there is an equal squad and class for the British

  • Rifle
  • Engineer
  • Sniper
  • Assaulter
  • Radio
  • Mortar
  • AT
  • Flamethrower
  • Medic
  • Machine Gunner
  • Tankers
  • Pilots
    And we can add actually British soldier units to the British squads, instead of Americans wearing British gear. The same goes for the Germans and Italians

I put a suggestion in this thread that could address the FOMO in the events, in my opinion. Please give it a like, maybe thr helpers will forward it.


When will you fix the sandbox? I cant download my mods there

I get that this game would be finished 3 years if its strictly historical accurate. Prototypes are needed in some extend to sustain the cost and gains from the game so that the project dont get shut down by the snail god, this is very acceptable and you cant oppose that.

But it come to the extend that it has gone too far. Like a event vehicle can be obtained by a lot of people. Prototypes are fine if they are in small numbers, such as gold order weapon system, or on top tier/to compensate the empty role (i have to accept this since the game would not be playable without guns like type hei rifle, ta-se, fg42, type 5 rocket launcher, even though it breaks the accuracy of history entirely) t-34-100 was built and tested after wwii technically (if my memory serves me right), so it might not fit in the theme of this game. Unless the April fools years ago were actually a teaser that enlisted will become warthunder one day and feature modern combat. Like tier 6 and beyond lol. When the snail wants money, nobody can stop it.


Nope. The T-34-100 with the LB-1 cannon was built and tested in April 1945.


This is from WT wiki.

October 1944 where Factory “Bolshevik” develop another high-powered 85 mm gun called V-5 and V-9K, but this also proved a failure when it is unable to keep with the 88 mm KwK43 gun on the Tiger II. This development then proceeded more ambitiously to a bigger gun. It was decided that the gun would be a 100 mm calibre and the task for this adaption fell to Plant No. 9 and No. 183 in July 1944. But findings say that the turret ring on the T-34-85 was not enough to mount the 100 mm cannon, and attempting to enlarge the turret ring for the IS-2 turret to 1,800 mm was impossible. It fell to A. Savinov from Factory No.92 to adapt the 100 mm gun onto the T-34-85’s turret, but trials found that this improvisation was not successful due to the excessive weight of the gun.

So it is still ww2 prototype. Its development started in 1944.
We already have Ho-Ri. Which never was built because of end of ww2 hit sooner. Similar case.

t-34-100 seems to be best USSR tank atm. Only IS-3 or T44-100 can actually beat it at this point


But its absolutely beyond wwii. They are built after wwii ended. This game builds around wwii and if you add vehicles and stuff after wwii then why dont you just shut the entire game project down. Its the very first rule of this game(april foolsexcluded cuz its fools and its pure fun)

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Ww2 ended in September 2, pls don’t be eurocentric.

And Soviets did participate to its very end. They were fighting Japanese.

When will these FOMO events stop?
When will the devs will be confident enough to just add these as research or Gold order things instead of these unnecessary events to prop up the player retention artificially? :thinking: :smiley: :smiley:


Something like the T-43, T-44 and even one of the T-34-57 or T-34M might have been a better choice but i guess balance wise and for players already running tier 5 event lineups the T-34-100 makes sense.

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…better choice for TT. It’s kinda meh they added best Soviet tank before they added it’s TT counterpart.

This is actually a sensible idea.


I like these events. As someone who has maxed out all the TTs and has millions of exp in reserve for future additions.
They give me some new consistent goals.
I like the chance to get something exclusive that not all players will have.
And I like their crying over these events, it makes me feel good.

The never ending feeling of accomplishments is nice, especially since I still have so much fun with this game. And I don’t regret the time spent with it.

So I personally hope they will never stop.

Btw. I’ve already completed 20k points for ongoing 2 days, it took me ±2 hours.
What a tragedy to spend 2 hours per 2 days with game you like.


I don’t believe it entered service until after the war, right?

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I’d really love to see this. I was 2 ranks short of getting the MP717 before the merge :smiling_face_with_tear:


Edit : As far as I remember we can use the ju on 2 squads.

I might be wrong tho

yea just finish mine too took me roughly 3 hour but i think i will play maybe 2 more match before i go