Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!

an event 1 day after i come back from my grandpa house eh? that some nice timing i gotta say i guess it time for US and USSR to be popular?

also just came back from playing 2 game again since i didnt play much before

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Why the .30 Tompson a 3rd time? There’s other event weapons that haven’t been re-run yet.


I think it fitted the theme best

I mean the besal LMG(really underrated imo) and 50 round Lancaster are both US TT and haven’t been re-run.


:memo: :eyes: :memo: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :timer_clock: :memo:


BR±1 or BR±0

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That’s true, but as an owner of all of them I think the Tommy is the best of the trio.

This game is becoming less WWII and more fantasy type of game

i dont think that t-34-100 has ever been used against germans in any level. Its just a prototype, built, test, and then dismantled

and btw @James_Grove

i found a “wandering spirit” of old enlisted here in about page:Enlisted

also in about/squad, the paratrooper and Apc driver are not shown on the photo


Miles better than magic 1 second reload of a fake tank that never saw combat

We both can have our preferences


Please push to the devs that a faction selector to queue for 2 or 3 of the factions simultaneously would be pretty nice instead of All or One
Thank you for your time


Nice event rewards. Despite there being a whirlwind and t34 100 in the lineup, I’m still mostly just happy about adding more Thompson 30s and red 42s to my arsenal.

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Well, there are things in game that weren’t even properly built irl. I find very hilarious people always starts with something like “enlisted becoming more fantasy and bla bla bla”.

Enlisted was always full of prototypes. GO weapons are prime example of that.
This prototype doesn’t make enlisted any more fantasy than it was before its implementation.

Rest of your post is complete off topic.


Since you don’t want to make the Whirlwind available for the actual british squad why no giving it with an event squad?

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Yay, “great”!
Yet another goddamn FOMO event - “You have to play at least for three weeks all the time or F YOU!”

Dear Devs, how about adding something to the regular tech tree? Players would have to grind and spend time in game anyway, but at their own pace and when they want.
Wasn’t it Your excuse during pre-merge times anyway??? “You know guys, we can’t add lower/mid tier stuff because it would not fit campaign progression, blah, blah, blah…”
Now You have created tech tree based research where You can add and shuffle stuff wherever the hell You want. And what are You doing with that? NOTHING! You only add 1-2 things for all players with major updates. All other stuff come into the game in form of these bloody events. Enlisted turned from pleasure into chore.

Events, updates and even granddaddy Big Merge aren’t even properly announced (I don’t count teasing. By proper info I mean “Hey guys, update is almost ready - we plan to release it on XYZ date if nothing happens”. Companies who try to treat their playerbase seriously don’t keep players in the dark. Instead, You release info on the same day, when update/event goes live.

MM is nonexistent, as normal ordinary players You are getting trashed constantly by clanbois and meta sweaters because Your faction don’t have enough players…

And what You did to bring more players? You completely f**ked up steam release despite being warned by different people in this very forum many times that pay-walling steam access is dumb idea. Yet, You have gone forward with it anyway and took game out steam THE VERY NEXT DAY. Pathetic!
You guys created this game and maintained it for few years now, so You can’t be THAT stupid. Which means You did it on purpose. Why? Only You know.

So, yet again… Great job. Keep it up… lol.

Rant’s over - You can even delete my ingame account. Whatever. I don’t care anymore.


No, you don’t have to. You can just buy it for ingame premium currency.

It’s always either your time or your money.


I would not expect other reply from You :slight_smile:

darkflow hates the besal i guess

if you re-run the 50rnd lanchester then you BETTER RERUN the mp41(r), i need 1 more for a full br3 lineup

also it might help new players cope after the mp717 got removed


I highly doubt, since you all your previous expectations were based on some disillusioned pseudo-socialistic mind set.
I don’t see any reason why all content in the game (which is free) should be accessible to all players absolutely free of charge and without requiring any sort of effort from them.

You should finally realize that you’re not really a main character in this world.

So either contribute to this project by actually playing it or by paying for it.
These events are very simple and you don’t need much skill to complete them.

If you’re not willing to do either, I don’t see why you’re wasting your time posting nonsense on the forum at all. Just stop playing the game. It’s clearly not for you.