Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!

Isn’t that just lovely!
I prefer bombs for attacking tanks and such. I would avoid the rockets normally, which saves me from the love letters too.


ah, i missed that.

sorry, i didn’t see it.

stilll… weird argument, but if they had a " long discussion " what can i do. right?

( i was considering to add more squads to include this plane with, for players choises, but … i’m not sure that will actually change anything or make it happen )


aren’t they?

did they got vaporized or something?

i mean, they clearly have access to these things before we do.

they even send screenshots of the items before we do.

so i’d think they do.

i mean.

sucks for you i guess.

presets are messy and convoluted on their own.

but… you know, british things to the british, americans things to the americans, and insert nation, to it’s own things of nation.

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Does it really matter that much when you can literally arm infantry with prototype and foreign weapons that was never used by the country?

that’s different though.

what the player does with it, it’s different,

but the premise is…consistency.

just like the british carrier coming with half the soldiers being americans ( in british uniforms ) and the others being actually british with british uniforms.

especially when it’s so rare to get them ( btw, no british medics exists )

like, those might be smaller things, but how can you get them wrong ?

There isn’t consistency in the first place since the game already allows squad to use foreign vehicles.


but again, what you do with it, it’s up to you.

the base squad, just like most of the legacy squads were, came with right nation uniforms and soldiers.
like, past event squad so to speak.

but with the carrier and w plane, you can’t change nationality of the soldiers nor the uniforms on wrong nations. that’s… the issue.

Wow this really sucks.
I did not miss a single day of the event.
Was ‘surprised’ last night to see somebody on YT having fun with the Whirlwind already.
Reading this topic, I understand some people got access too early because of the bug?
I still need to wait 9 hours before I can even begin the stage!?!?! :rage:

Epic fail 1

Epic fail 2


We r a lot in this case.

But they don’t care about us, because ‘’ the évent is free ‘’…


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The British squads should be given as option, I don’t have the plane yet myself (ps5) although did get compensated

Like I said 3 nickel now (nickel = event bug) and there will be even more nickel in the future

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I can see the lack of transparency with us, coming from them, it reminds me of war thunder ,I’m in this too, it’s difficult to look for somewhere that doesn’t have a bug in the enlisted

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Which stage is it now for people who didn’t skip anything? Taking into account the update breaking shenanigans?
The allied plane stage?

I think that tomorow we get T-34-100 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

All credits go to Euthymia, Im just reposting.

Only people who got compensation unjustly.


I took out for a spin the Whirlwind yesterday, it’s really a funny toy. Sort of a poor man’s Tempest, but in a good sense. Its main shortcoming is the limited rearward visibility, but it’s not as bad as Corsair or Hellcat.

Also, for some reason I really like seeing my wings painted in RAF brown-green camo. :blush:

It REALLY should be in a British attacker squad, though.


I also like the Whirlwind.
The speed was better than I hoped for.
Was bombing yesterday in Tunisia, good fun, got all vehicle kills needed for the event and more.

I’m making a RAF line up with Whirlwind, Beaufighter and Spitfire/Hurricane.


Well I’m asking because different players seem to be on different stages based on the patch/compensation situation?

I missed 1 stage and only got Thompsons, whirlwind will only be unlocked today/tomorrow/after tomorrow I guess

seem like the whirlwind is pretty good huh i gotta try it out

People who didn’t miss any stage just unlocked Whirlwind.
People who didn’t miss any stage and got lucky with glitch just unlocked 2nd red pps42.