Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!

This new tank is quite good :+1:


It is, I’m very happy with it.

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The tank from the future (1 stage)

Well I found out that new PPS-42s(Red) do more damage than old PPS-42s(red) 6.7 to 6.9 can you guys fix this maybe make older ones also do 6.9 or make them all do 6.7 its minor thing I know but it bothers me when my PPS-42s (Red) are shown separate 2 old ones and 2 new ones


Classic maxed pps42 according to euthy sheet should have 6.7 dmg.

So I have no clue why new one has 6.9. Good catch btw.


Next : blue ppsh with 8.0 dmg ?

Blue is better than red :sweat_smile:

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It’s already known, it’s because the pps-42 (red) in this event is the old stalingrad version


Iz wrong!

Red makez fasta!

Iz yellow dat makez moar dakka!



Pink ppsh will be better than red, Yellow or blue.


T 34-100 should have been usable by the tanker 3 squad as well.

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yeah would of been nice, as i don’t use the squad atm, as i don’t like IS tank, I ended up just sticking my tanker 3, into that squad that uses T34-100 anyway, and i def enjoying the new tank.

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