Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!

May be, I don’t know. I trust u

I said ‘’ hell let loose ‘’, but I speak about all off games like this, less casual and more HC/realistic.

IMO, enlisted is good like this, not very casu, not very hc/realistic. Just the good mix (with imperfections) between code like, arma like and HC realistic historical fps.

gaijin doesn’t deserve you. :pray:

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Event bugged today?

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Me too…

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it didnt bug on pc i guess

It bugged for some people on PC, but not everyone

oh i see

yea bugged for me as well. anybody knows if it still counts in the background or if its just fully unplayable?

Maybe dev should tell us about this…

The unic answer is actually ‘’ dev know this bug’'. Find.

now i got avatar
But there is no change in the progress bar
After the next refresh my progress will automatically move to 5
Or will I have an invalid duplicate progress and will be delayed in receiving other rewards?

Nice rewards, but most importantly, I like that we have a couple of extra days to miss while still able to grab all the items. Thanks.

Hello comrades, I’m experiencing a problem that I’m sure I’m not the only one, my task has been stuck for 2 days and doesn’t open for new tasks

My team and I are stuck on task 4/9, so far there are 5 players with the same problem, could someone please give me some advice on this?

It’s been 2 days stuck, I don’t want to lose my rewards due to a bug, I hope some dev speaks up
thank you for your attention



i mean you are on the correct stage according to the euthy calendar

No, we are not. Some players are unfairly one stage ahead of us. They got both compensation task and normal one.

That’s unacceptable.


isnt this the same case for soviet para event as well tho? or is that different since i feel like it kinda similar to each other (altho that one was a case of “day 1 people got 2 while other got 1”)

maybe im misremembering


I demand an explanation as to why some players who experienced no issues with the event got compensated as well.

I am one of those who experienced issues.

And now I’m at a disadvantageous position compared to them.
I completed all the tasks on the first day I could. Yet because of your broken game, I still will get rewards two days later compared to people who haven’t experienced any issues.

It is clearly unfair.

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Please, solved issue ASAP it’s not funny at all especially after failure on the steam…

I guess the official propagandists and technical staff are laughing at the angry and helpless users on the forum.
So there is no time to remedy and explain the problem.

Is not

Put yourself in developer pants, do you really think they have time (in less than 24H) to check one by one who player have problem or not? They did the most fair thing and gived one task free to everyone


In my opinion one day before or after it don’t change anything you always get it