Reinforcements received: Arsenal of Victory!


One can hope…

I’m happy to see the Whirlwind Mk I being added to Enlisted, but I really hope British forces (i.e. squads, weapons, vehicles, etc.) will eventually be separated from the US tech tree. The same goes for the Italian forces currently in the German tech tree. I’d love for both Britain and Italy to be implemented as their own nations with their own fully-fledged tech trees. :heart_on_fire:

Please, Darkflow? :pray:

Not planned, deal with it.


This is gonna be quite some trouble when they move out of ww2 into the successor wars and new conflicts like the korean war vietnam and others and addition of cold war equipment, maybe not for the allies but definitely for germany, it will look kinda dumb when you have cold war technology and italy romanian and german are all together, i would prefer ww1 content and pre ww1 conflicts like the russo japanese war and others over modern additions.

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Yes in comparison sure, romania and italy relations with germany werent good after ww2 so it would make little sense especially when romania becomes soviet, to continue having them, but in ww1 its different you could add the austro-hunarian troops and the allied trees stay the same, there is just one question if they decide to add france is it gonna be stand alone or part of allies, cuz france was split so it might be allied and german at the same time.

According to how it goes now, thats one of the possible outcomes, and thats not even everything they could pull it further and add chinese troops into the allied ones because they were fighting japan and then after ww2 they slowly became the enemy of the allies, but as you can see this is not an easy topic i would only keep collab nations which make actual sense in the long term, allies make it the prime example USA & Commonwealth it can literally stay like this.

But for the rest oh god i have no clue how to pull it off, germany is extremely troublesome unless they make a standalone tree for west germany from 1950 to now. and east germany is being added for the soviets along with china, thats another possible outcome.

But i dont see much hope for japan, even in the post war period there wasnt much happening in japan until early 1980s, they could get american weapons and vehicles and their JSDF equipment at some point but thats basically american equipment, i dont see any reason to play japan at all if this is the case.

It is how it is, USA or Soviet playing one of them will get you far in the long term period, im glad i have both of them almost topped.

If they ever want to implement a different era than ww2, they should strictly separate it in a similar format to how campaigns used to be.

Rather than mixing up soldiers, uniforms, weapons and vehicles of different eras.


I fully agree to this, a core requirement would be a new TT, enlisted is already too far advanced to add in ww1 units into the existing trees this would require a whole new tree, and the same goes to cold war and beyond.

This also ensures late ww2 equipment does not face 1950s stuff, for example Tiger II vs M46 or M-26 Pershing vs T-54(even tho this would be semi-historical).

It is not hard to solve.
A sub faction simply doesn’t need to stay in a tech tree of the faction all the time.
You can have ww2 Romania in German tree and cold war Romania in Soviet tree.

There isn’t much happening for Germany and Italy either. So you will need to have imaginary conflict anyway.

Not really, they still have a lot of their own equipment.

Aside from prototypes theres not much to expect from Japan, all the fancy stuff from war thunder is mainly paper blueprints or things which never made it into real objects, they were added as fillers, but enlisted has infantry so this is not needed, there are solutions for everything.

I am not sure what fancy stuff you talk about, but you claimed that JGSDF equipment are basically American which is not the case.

Then go ahead and give me something which is purely made japanese, from my knowledge there is nothing everything is either american or made with american assistance or licence.

Did the Thompson.30 go straight to the warehouse after the marathon today? Why don’t you give me a mobile gun when I’m done here. Is it a bug?

@乃aвapиaнШИЛДКaт之 @khtk395

This is not the place for those kind of discussions, this is off topic and I need ask both of you to stop


I have read two things about this, first is that devs have no plan to move to other conflicts and the second is that devs have no plan to separate UK and US or Italy and Germany.

Are there some info in the russian side of the forum about both this subjects?


What! Aren’t you eagerly awaiting to see King Tigers in Vietnam?


Lmao, this video instantly came to mind.


Just add New br for proto + post ww2 Guns.

Like this, People Who play this game for ‘’ fun and casual history accurency ‘’ (and not ‘’ hardcore accurency ‘’ like hell let loose ‘’), like me, will stay and keep playing Enlisted; and people Who Just want new pioupiou everytime (and don’t care about the accurency) could play in their own BR/queue.

And everybody will be happy.

Hell let loose has also lots of inaccuracies like stg 44s in stalingrad

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