Reinforcements received: APCs

Very good idea, I would appreciate it if this was introduced
Edit: All your points from this post are very good


Serious question: is there a limit on APCs/Trucks for one player?

If I have SdKfz 7, SdKfz 251 Premium and now unlock SdKfz 251 75 mm, can I use them all in the same match + the normal rally point?

So 4 spawn points per one player?

On the other hand, I’ve heard that there is a limit of 3 APCs/trucks per team?

So if 3 other players spawn their trucks, I can’t use mine?

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Previous apc will destroy itself.

It’s not really worth to use more than 1 apc per line up imho.



you can only have one active apc per player.

if you spawn a second, it will destroy the first one.

same goes for the rally. but the counter are separated.

so you can still have one rally, and one apc active at the same time.

as far as i know, the limit is 4.


Personally I consider the bren carrier to be the better pick here - because it is rather small / easy to hide spawn point.

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That is true.
I will probably stick to my Sd.Kfz 7 as Germany since its easier to hide because it blends in on Normandy and Bulge maps.

Heroes and Generals had great APC mechanics, Enlisted has suspiciously similar to that so I believe that my experience with H&G APCs are relevant.

The smaller the APC was the easier it was to hide which gave Germany an advantage since they had the small Sd.Kfz 250 which is much shorter than the 251 we have in game.

20-30 kills for 1 squad is too optimistic, consider you get one shooted by a Bazooka or literally anything that can destroy a tank, except you are not a tank

Its 3.
Had a funny match in SG where I couldnt move my M3 because there were already three active APCs in total and I couldnt spawn the crew into it. Normal squads couldnt drive it. Only use the MG.


hehe, can we have a tick box like the paras (Spawn in plane or on ground) to Turn off Rally.

then I can have an APC rally up and use another one for assaulting lol.

either that or not destroy.

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How do I see my progress with the tasks? I’ve lost track of where I’m at, lol.

Can you share screenshot of event tab?

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You have all tasks/stages completed. And after tomorrow’s reset, you’ll be able to get universal carrier APC aka stage 6.

How can you tell?

3/6 stages (marked yellow) and you have 1/2 progress in stage 3

ok, that’s confusing because of what looks like 14 stages on the top.


APCs are great and all but for the love of God PLEASE bring back the event order option, where upon hitting a milestone you get a ticket and with it you can buy either the AXIS or ALLIES squad and for thoes tht want both need to grind the whole event. Its too much of a grind and such system I belive would be well recived by the whole community. With that out of the way, the APCs are amazing expecially the german one, great job on the design as well.


can i still buy the sdkfz251/9 some where? i would really like to have it but at the time while februrary my pc was broken ;-;

It was an event reward sadly… so you cannot buy it.

Maybe with upcoming “loot boxes” ( :face_vomiting: ) But I wouldn’t bet on it…



awwww ok but thank you for the fast reply didnt expect that ^^

but i can get cool stuff in the future myabe :3 thank you again and good luck and fun playing this game