Reinforcement received: NKVD

Honestly I think a Premium/ event SS squad or perhaps Volkssturm squad with mismatched gear would be cool. I imagine all they’d do is just censor the “flag”


Let them be tapes of at least 150 bullets


It’s would be nice if animations were smoother and new melee attacks with swords and other such weapons.

the mg39 needs to have a bigger magazine, 50 rounds for a 1300 rpm gun is ridiculous


This is a great idea… Bring the hype

You should think about why you know only the bad things about them and nothing good. Why exactly does the NKVD have a “bad” reputation, while other similar services of other countries such as Great Britain / USA /France, etc. do not.
And I more than sure that’s it clearly has nothing to do with what they were doing. It’s just a label give to them because for who they were doing it for.

The main evil of any SS is that the crimes they committed were completely legitimate from the point of view of its state. I think it’s clear to everyone?

As it is, I agree that censorship only contributes to rewriting history and distorting historical facts. At this rate, it is possible to ban the mention of the National Socialist Party of Germany, the Fuhrer, organizations that committed crimes and all sorts of symbols associated with them, and in the end it turns out that the Germans did not seem to do anything wrong in World War II. And yes, and from a gameplay point of view, I would like authentic scenery.


Why do soviets get 100 rnd Thompsons when the US doesn’t even get it in their tech tree? And Germans get an MG that has a pittance for its magazine size. This is utter poppycock. And why can’t you do events where every nation gets something? I was expecting better.


Welcome to the community!

Events, especially Reinforcement events often introduce specialist squads that don’t fit into the current Tech-Tree, or can be deemed as Premium squads. Sometimes they focus on one particular faction, other times they’re more generic.

There was a recent event where all factions got a BRIV Arty squad, so there isn’t just a one or two faction bias all the time.


These are excellent new squads! Very excited to get my hands on them!

Side note: would it be possible to give the other unique knives in the game the same runspeed buff that these NKVD knives have?


This event looks cool…but wtf…what a slap in the face to USA/Brit and axis

ANOTHER 50 round mg for germany

And ANOTHER top knotch “lend lease” SMG to soviets before USA.

…the jokes old now guys. At the very least, do the right thing with the mg and beef up the magazine size to 100+


well not exactly mostly Germany and USSR got event squads from time to time US/UK and Japan almost never :joy:

Japan does seem to be the lesser of factions when it comes to events, I’ll admit that.

But every faction did get a new Arty squad recently.

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But Joe, once Darkflow makes the one German belt fed MG they will have all the necessary assets to make lazy copy pastes than I guarantee you that we will get a TT gun, an event gun like Stinger, a BP gun and premium.

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Are we also going to get the new techtree and balancing update with this one?

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i thought event already started… cant believe we get news early about events…


Before this event would’ve been better to give the other 2 factions their event APCs.

It has the belt drum? Yeah then no

Like how the art makes the MG 39 squad cosmetics look better than it actually is

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I dont mind them informing us early instead of the day of. I now can get prepared for the grinding that is upon me :grin:


Also one day I hope to see the mg42 100rounder in the tec tree. One can dream, one can dream :face_in_clouds::face_in_clouds::face_in_clouds: