Reinforcement received: NKVD



I could’ve sworn it was a common count…

Exactly :smile:

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Only for saddle drums.
We have MG13, MG34 and MG15 with those.
MG42 didn’t have saddle drum adapter.


Neither the mg34/41 feature the adapter, it was removed for simplify the mass production, and the patrone was inefficient compared to the belt on the ground


Could you please give me a 150 round belt for the MG39?


15 round belt is the best i can do


Nope it’s a waste of time to grind useless MG squad, it needs 100 rounds.

Why not both? Why can’t we have a powerful and cool MG event squad and good MGs in a tech tree that won’t run out of bullets in 3 secs (and reload for over 5secs)? is this too much to ask? I don’t think so,

I also want gold order MG 14 Parabellum with 250 rounds and 700 rof (scope should be detatchable):



If it’s magical 15 round belt like of Americans and Soviets then we will get 100 rounds to shoot then yes give me please.


How sad, the Bullet loader won’t last with that high rate of fire.

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BR4 = always uptier to BR5 so this event squad is a waste of time to grind. Trust me i tested BR4 last month and 10 out of 12 matches were at BR5 with BR4 gear.

two things: even if knifes are cute for do collection, people unless they are crazy dont use it, its better use axe or sword for the charge thing, and now, seriosly, again a mg with less than 100 bullets, the hate for germany it’s clear man…


Because boos will cry again in the forum’s red side…

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Thanks for an interesting event. How about make it fair and give more ammo for the MG38 at least make it 100.


Nice outfits! Both sides.
I wish regular german squads could use that snow gown too.
And I guess those Soviets’ caps will turn blue in the actual game, will they?XD

BR4 isn’t that bad (Japan aside), it have powerful tank and plane and some of the best mg of the game, just infantry equipment is underpowered compared to BR5, but because BR5 has selective fire otherwise it wouldn’t be so overkill

Yeah this event is gonna be a hard pass for me. It already bothers me they go to extreme lengths to censor and hide SS units but glorifying their soviet equivalent at the same time is too far.

Will play some other game during this event.

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I don’t think its a problem whatsoever to have NKVD or SS squads. We already have various NKVD and SS squads. So much so that there’s no point in making an issue out of it.

I look at it as we are playing a sandbox shooter of the greatest war of all time in awe of its size, scope, and scale and technology. Millions of men fought in this war.

The Moroccan Goumiers certainly are infamous for some atrocities

I certainly want SS camo to be added. It’s just cool uniforms. I’ve suggested some premium/ event SS squads for the novelty like the Bosnian Handschars and an AT squad armed with the SS41 anti-tank rifle.


Its not a problem to have both but if you’re gonna hardcore censor one and glorify the other then its a problem. To the best of my knowledge you dont get an SS squad in like a leather jacket with a red armband but the dev’s are gonna add this?


It’s not too late to do the right thing and give MG gunners proper gear.
I know mismatched pouches is a long standing tradition, but can we get it right, just this once?