Reinforcement received: NKVD

BTW will you be able to change the German squad uniforms on different campaigns ?
And will there be Japanese paratroopers Reinforcements receive for BR III+ ?


dam never expected a cadicarus meme here

Well nope since the soviet union is no more for a long time … :rofl:
20B OLV Inzittendenverzekering haal brengservice wegenwacht 16x9 (

of course, I work on Monday, doesn’t matter though since I won’t
even participate in this. bypassing the events has made my sanity stay normal

They just want you to think the soviets union is no more… :relieved:

Simpsons seem to have predicted everything in our future !


Damn nice DF and Im glad to see MG-39 ( Großfuß ) is here , it was one of the guns that I did suggest I kind of hope devs took inspiration from there anyhow

For anyone wondering Großfuß was an unknown metal company from the small Saxon town of Döbelno and this was their entry to 1930 MG competition(the competition span a few years starting from late 30s to early 40s) under the guide of Werner gruner other competitors of this Competition were one of MG34’s variants (If im not mistaken was the ‘S’ variant which had short barrels and had firerates up to 1700 rounds per minute and that fire rate alone caused it to not be accepted though they continued to improve it by 1941 and made MG34/41 , unfortunately this one also didn’t catch any eyes during testing and by this time Großfuß made improvements to their design and made MG39/41 or as we know it in game MG 42 early and caused any MG34 variant production to be stopped (34/41 had 1400 rof.)

The other competitor was MG39 from Rheinmetall I dont want to bother you guys but the reason it lost to MG 39 from Großfuß was simply because it was Gas-operated while the other MG-39 was short-recoil operated and German army favored the latter and fun thing MG 39 from Rh had better accuracy but it was MG 39 from GF which was chosen .(MG 39 from RH was made by Louis Stange which im sure you are familiar with him he was the guy who also made FG42s

MG39 Rh


Do it!!! Please!!!


okay, a Thompson having a higher rate of fire than MG42 is pretty much heresy.

Also isn’t it kind of weird that the Soviets get the best Thompson version? shouldn’t that go to the US?


Stalinium knife best knife.

So basically Germany gets a MG45 squad? (with worse reloading speed, I suppose)


i mean, its BR4 so I guess its just the devs checking if it makes sense to pump up MG42 rate of fire.

They should give him a 150-round belt, it is not possible that they cannot give it to the faction that focused on its light machine gun squadrons as the main force in WW2


It has to be given with its 250-round belt and with its 1800-round rate of fire.


I didn’t see the br. Makes it rather good this way at br4. :thinking:

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A 75 round belt would make it more palatable, at the very least. Though it being br4 is a definite plus.

The Soviet Thompson squad is just lovely, only complaint I have is that the Americans don’t have it.

I wonder if event knives will ever gain the ability to enable charging?

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Well, MG45 squad is also BR4 and it has second lowest recoil of all German MGs and highest rof (1650) + higher ammo reserve than its 50 round MG counterparts.

And Mg42 early squad has the best recoil of all German MGs + 2 engineers equipped with MG.

So I kinda doubt this event squad is going to better. But it’s definitely not going to be significantly worse than those 2 premium squads. That’s my guess.


75rd belts didn’t exist from what I know. Only increments of 50.


Well if they had one 50rd belt strip and half it was 75rd (50+25)

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Why would you fill only 50% of a belt though?
Late war ammo shortage? :stuck_out_tongue: