Reinforcement received: NKVD

50 rounds with more rof than te TT mg42 is going to be an even more useless gun

We still need Soviet and Japanese combat engineers aswell

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US and Japanese*

We already have Soviet AR engineers.


Yea only US and jsp don’t want Russian to have more assault hybrid squad

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wouldnt the mg15 be the best lmg now? i thought they removed the bloom on it a few patches back

It’s okay, and fun to use… but it got so much dispersion It’s a spray.

It’s not as crazy as Japan’s dual lmg thought!

Its much much better but the 34 Patronentrommel is still better for the same reason the 34 is better then the 42

Much more economical ROF and a faster reload with the exact same capacity

oops yep that was it

Yes, that was mentioned way earlier in the topic…

I think that all the fast-firing German MG’s with Gurttrommel magazine (MG 34, MG 42 and MG 39) should have increased base ammo. Just 2 50-bullet drums on such weapons feels extremely lacking, you run out of ammo before you can blink twice
Plus, they could add the proper Trommeltraeger 34 for those weapons


NKVD knife like normal knife , good job dev

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Apart from it’s not.
And you have a sprint speed boost equivalent to swords (15%+)


You can’t charge with them, I just tried. So they’re basically useless.

Will the NKVD squad also have their knives ?

If yes - what can I do with them ? I will not give a NKVD knife to regular unit.

If no - 2 knives are not enough for 5-man squad :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Also that box clearly holds 100 rounds - not 200.

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cmon SMILE :clown_face:
next one is the mg39 with 1300 ROF and 50 round mag :rofl: :rofl:

how many kills we will get with that before reloading ?
2 ? :laughing:

It is only today that I realized MG 39 lacks bipod for whatever reason.


nah… it is a box with infinite belt…


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